Page 18 - ITLN-September-October-2024-Issue-for-Website
P. 18

             Decision Making

         From bytes to billions

         Data-driven logistics

         reshaping India's


         India's logistics market, projected to reach $557.4 billion          Challenges in the Indian
         by 2032, is poised for transformation through data-driven            logistics sector:
                                                                              Despite its size and growth potential,
         decision-making. With current logistics costs at 16 per cent         the Indian logistics sector faces
         of GDP compared to 8-10 per cent in developed economies,             several challenges. The industry
         the sector faces challenges but holds significant potential          remains highly fragmented, with
                                                                              numerous small and medium-sized
         for improvement.                                                     players competing alongside larger
                                                                              firms. Although improvements are
            Parijat Sourabh
                                                                              being made, India's infrastructure
                                                                              still falls short in many areas, causing
            n recent years, India has                                         inefficiencies and delays.
            emerged as a global economic                                        “The infrastructure in India
            powerhouse, with its logistics                                    significantly influences the adoption
         Isector playing an important role                                    and effectiveness of both barcode
         in this transformation. As the country                               and Radio Frequency Identification
         continues to digitise and modernise                                  (RFID) technologies in logistics.
         its infrastructure, data-led decision-                               While major urban areas benefit
         making has become increasingly crucial                               from advanced logistics networks,
         in optimising logistics operations.                                  including modern ports, highways,
                                                                              railroads, airports, warehouses,
         India's logistics                                                    and distribution centres, remote
         market overview:                                                     regions often face challenges such
         India's logistics sector is one of the                               as inconsistent internet connectivity,
         largest globally and is set to grow                                  power outages, and limited access to
         further according to data from IMARC                                 logistics facilities. These hurdles can
         Group, the market is set to reach       The Indian logistics         hinder the seamless implementation
         $557.4 billion by 2032, exhibiting a      market presents            and operation of barcode and RFID
         growth rate (CAGR) of 7.85 per cent    unique challenges and         systems, affecting supply chain
         during 2024-2032.                       opportunities, where         efficiency,” says Praveen Kishore,
           Key factors contributing to market    visibility (our ability      Chief Transformation Officer, Bar
         growth include the significant                                       Code India.
         expansion of e-commerce and online     to see) and agility (our        Bar Code India specialises in
         retail, the implementation of supportive   ability to respond)       providing solutions related to barcoding,
         government policies that encourage          are crucial.             RFID, and automated identification
         logistics services adoption, and                                     systems. The company offers a wide
         emerging technological advancements,         Nitish Rai              range of products and services to
         mentions the report.                          FreightFox             businesses across various industries.
          September - October 2024                                                          
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