Page 16 - ITLN-September-October-2024-Issue-for-Website
P. 16

             Logistics Policy

                                                                                "We aim to reduce logistics costs by
                                                                              15-20 percent over the next two years by
                                                                              optimising our supply chain operations                      Conference that matters – fresh and cool  Conference that matters – fresh and fruitful
                                                                              through AI and automation. This includes
                                                                              improving last-mile delivery efficiency,                           APRIL                                 APRIL
                                                                              enhancing warehouse management and                           09    2025                            10    2025
                                                                              integrating more sustainable practices
                                                                              in our fleet. We are also focused on
                                                                              expanding our footprint in tier-2 and
                                                                              tier-3 cities, improving the ease of                                                     Nairobi, Kenya
                                                                              movement for goods across diverse
                                                                              geographical regions."
                                                                                The central government has
                                                                             Photo: DP World  high-speed road corridor projects
                                                                              approved eight important national
                                                                              of length 936 km at a total capital
                                                                              cost of Rs 50,655 crore to improve
                                                                              logistics efficiency, reduce congestion                      SAVE
         transportation systems. "By aligning   United States and China in the logistics   and enhance connectivity across the
         NLP goals with the government’s   sector. To emulate China’s infrastructure   country, according to an update from
         environmental objectives, India   policies during the early 2000s, India’s   the Ministry of Road Transport.
         can work towards reducing carbon   government must continue to encourage   The projects include the six-lane
         emissions while enhancing         private participation in infrastructure   Agra-Gwalior corridor, four-lane
         operational efficiency. Infrastructure   development and manage the operations   Kharagpur-Moregram corridor, six-lane
         development with a focus on       of logistics terminals. If not acted   Tharad-Deesa-Mehsana-Ahmedabad
         sustainability could also support   on promptly, logistics may remain a   corridor and the eight-lane elevated                     Join us to resume our last year’s
         long-term environmental goals."   bottleneck in the path of development,   Nashik Phata-Khed corridor near Pune.
           With rising environmental concerns,   constraining the progress in both the   "The length of national highways                   discussions on sustainable practices,  THE
         our logistics strategies have evolved   primary and secondary sectors of   has increased about 1.6 times from                      Kenya’s preparedness for big exports &
         to reflect sustainability goals, adds   India’s economy."            0.91 lakh km in 2013-14 to 1.46                               new markets, and digital transformation
         Sharma. "Measures such as using      Given the current landscape, it   lakh km currently. There has been a                         in packaging solutions.
         hybrid vehicles and implementing   is crucial to systematically upgrade   significant increase in pace of award
         route optimisation not only reduce fuel   our infrastructure and technological   and construction of national highways
         consumption and emissions but also   capabilities to optimise logistics costs,   in the last 10 years. For instance, the
         align with the NLP’s focus on green   simplify operations, and meet the   average annual pace of award of NH                      DATE
         logistics, offering both environmental   ambitious objectives set by the NLP,   contracts has increased by 2.75 times
         and economic benefits."           adds Sharma of Gati. “However, this   from about 4,000 km in 2004-14 to
                                           approach must go beyond market     about 11,000 km in 2014-24. Similarly,
         Challenges ahead                  expectations to keep the logistics sector   the average annual construction of
         Structural reforms in the logistics   at the forefront of India’s transformation,   national highways has also increased by
         sector, particularly in infrastructure   achieving both operational excellence   about 2.4 times from about 4,000 km in
         and customs, were long overdue in   and environmental sustainability.”  2004-14 to about 9,600 km in 2014-24.
         India, says Rajan and Krishnan in    Sarang feels meeting the        The total capital investment in national
         their report. "In this direction, the   ambitious NLP targets within the   highways including private investment
         NLP facilitates rapid technology   established time frame will depend   has increased by six times from Rs
         adoption and creates synergies among   on continued collaboration between   50,000 Crore in 2013-14 to about Rs 3.1
         government ministries in developing   the public and private sectors. "With   lakh crore in 2023-24."
         and implementing logistics projects.   significant government support and   The corridor approach, according to
         The methodology proposed to achieve   focused implementation on critical   the ministry, has led to the identification
         a balanced modal mix by harmonising   infrastructure and technology,   of a network of 50,000 km of high-speed
         roadways, railways, airways, and   India is on the right path. However,   highway corridors through a scientific
         waterways is promising and should   overcoming challenges like regulatory   transport study based on Goods and        Organised by                For sponsorships and registration     For speaking opportunities
         yield strong results.             delays, infrastructure gaps and skilled   Services Tax Network (GSTN) and toll                            
           "The policymakers should seek to   workforce shortages will be key to   data to support India's transformation
         match the strategies employed by the   staying on track.             into a $30+ trillion economy by 2047. 
                                                                                                                                                            For more details visit :
          September - October 2024                                                          
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