Page 13 - ITLN-September-October-2024-Issue-for-Website
P. 13

Unlike earlier estimates that                                     of its logistics spending results
        logistics costs are high in India, it has                            from inefficiencies in infrastructure.
        mostly been in high single digits for                                Additionally, consumers, who are
        more than a decade, according to an                                  generally not interested in paying for
        estimate by National Council of Applied                              transportation overheads, often pay
        Economic Research (NCAER). The                                       prices that include transportation
        logistics cost has been estimated to be                              costs. Hence, saving on logistics would
        around 8.9 percent of GDP in 2021-22                                 reduce commodity prices, making India
        by NCAER.                                                            more competitive in global markets,
           India’s performance on the                                        thereby benefiting consumers and
        Logistics Performance Index (LP),                                    manufacturers alike. This would
        developed by World Bank, has                                         fulfil the NLP’s objective to reduce
        improved to 38 out of 139 countries,                                 transportation and logistics costs,
        up from 44th in 2018 and 54th in                                     improving market efficiency."
        2014, thanks to focus on developing                                     Key achievements of NLP include
        infrastructure across the country.     Overcoming challenges         the integration of technology for
           "An inter-ministerial team has been   like regulatory delays,     smoother freight movement, increased
        formed to improve performance across     infrastructure gaps         focus on infrastructure development,
        all six LPI parameters: customs,        and skilled workforce        and an emphasis on skill development
        infrastructure, ease of arranging      shortages will be key to      in the sector, says Zaiba Sarang,
        shipments, quality of logistics services,   staying on track.        Co-Founder, iThink Logistics.
        tracking and tracing, and timeliness,"                               "The policy has also promoted the
        says a written reply by Som Parkash,        Zaiba Sarang             standardisation of logistics processes
        Union Minister of State for Commerce         iThink Logistics        and documentation, which has helped
        and Industry, to the Lok Sabha.                                      streamline operations and improve
           Digital reforms such as Unified                                   transparency across the board.
        Logistics Interface Platform (ULIP) for   "In India, logistics is a $200 billion   "NLP has played a pivotal role
        ease of doing business and Logistics   sector with 4.6 billion tonnes of freight   in improving India’s ranking on
        Data Bank which has digitised track   transported annually, 65 percent of   the Global Logistics Performance
        and trace of 100 percent containerised   which is by road and 27 percent of   Index. By promoting infrastructure
        EXIM cargo, are presently operational,   which is by rail," writes Vishnu C. Rajan   development, technology adoption
        the government said in the reply.  & L. R. K. Krishnan in their report   and reducing regulatory bottlenecks,
                                           titled Significance and Implications        the policy has contributed
                                           of National Logistics Policy of India       to greater efficiency and
                                           published in Georgetown Journal of          reliability in logistics.
                                           International Affairs.                      The policy’s focus on
                                             "It is estimated that last-mile           multimodal transportation
                                           delivery – the final stage of the delivery   and digital integration
                                           process through which the goods reach       has directly impacted
                                           the end consumer – costs around 40          performance metrics such
                                                 percent of the overall logistics      as customs efficiency,
                                                 cost. As a result, logistics          infrastructure quality, and
                                                 constitutes 13-14 percent of          shipment tracking."
                                                 India’s GDP as opposed to               Uday Sharma, Chief
                                                 8-11 percent in most major         Commercial Officer, Allcargo
                                                 economies.                         Gati had this to say: "The
                                                 However,                           operations at Allcargo Gati
                                                 nearly                             align seamlessly with the
                                                 one-third                          National Logistics Policy
                                                                                    (NLP) and the national

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