Page 19 - ITLN-September-October-2024-Issue-for-Website
P. 19

Recently, at the annual convention   Additionally, many smaller players   The rise of smart logistics in India:
        and 95th Annual General Meeting    have yet to fully adopt digital solutions   The Indian logistics sector is
        (AGM) of the Federation of Indian   and data-driven approaches, which   witnessing a paradigm shift towards
        Chambers of Commerce and Industry   limits the sector's overall efficiency.  smart, intelligence-led operations,
        (FICCI), Union Minister Nitin Gadkari,   “The Indian logistics market   driven by a confluence of factors. The
        Minister of Road Transport and     presents unique challenges and    government's push for digitisation
        Highways of India, committed to    opportunities, where visibility (our   through initiatives like Digital India
        reducing logistics costs — from the   ability to see) and agility (our ability   and the National Logistics Policy has
        current 16 per cent of GDP to a target   to respond) are crucial. Imagine   created a conducive environment
        of up to 9 per cent by the end of 2024.   driving with a completely blackened   for technological adoption.
        Comparing this target to developed   windshield—visibility is impaired,   Simultaneously, the e-commerce
        economies, where logistics costs   increasing the risk of adverse    boom has driven the need for more
        range from 8 to 10 per cent of GDP,   scenarios. On the other hand, having   efficient and data-driven logistics
        this highlights significant room for   a clear windshield but lacking driving   solutions to meet growing consumer
        improvement.                       skills means you can see but not   demands. According to Statista, the
           However, the National Council of   respond effectively,” says Nitish Rai,   e-commerce industry in India is
        Applied Economic Research (NCAER)   Founder and CEO, FreightFox.     projected to reach $300 billion by 2030.
        reported that logistics costs in India   FreightFox, a tech-focused start-  “The rapid growth of digital
        ranged from 7.8 per cent to 8.9 per   up in the Indian logistics sector,   infrastructure, supported
        cent of GDP for the 2021-22 period.  is developing products to create   by initiatives like Digital
           Logistics cost as a percentage of   an end-to-end enterprise freight   India, is helping address
        GDP is a metric used to measure the   procurement and management     challenges in the
        efficiency of a country's supply chain   platform that leverages predictive   logistics sector. As
        and transportation infrastructure.  and proactive insights.          internet connectivity

                                                                                                              17                                                                        September - October 2024
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