Page 22 - ITLN-September-October-2024-Issue-for-Website
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             Decision Making

         losses, and damage to customer
         relationships. To address these issues,
         companies are adopting technologies
         like data integration platforms, AI, and
         cloud-based solutions.
           “Data accuracy and quality are
         critical for us. We obtain data from
         highly reliable sources via API, which
         eliminates manual intervention and
         ensures consistency across the data
         acquisition process. Our data comes
         from system-generated sources
         or various integration layers we've
         established to maintain data integrity
         and accuracy,” says Rai of FreightFox.
           “We employ a built-in diagnostic
         system to check for anomalies based
         on historical trends. For instance, if
         an agricultural dataset shows 5,000
         metric tonnes of onion arrivals in                                   IoT to create more intelligent, agile,
         Maharashtra for a month, we cross-                                   and sustainable supply chains,” says
         reference it with historical data and                                Kishore of Bar Code India.
         seasonal patterns. A significant                                       “Recently, we launched Dristi, an
         discrepancy, like the previous year’s                                IoT-based RFID reader designed to
         data showing 500 metric tonnes for                                   revolutionise supply chain operations
         the same month, would be flagged                                     with best-in-class performance.
         as an anomaly. We then validate and                                  Equipped with a powerful processor,
         correct these anomalies to ensure data                               expansive memory, and in-built
         accuracy,” explains Rai.                                             4G-LTE/Wi-Fi options, Dristi sets a new
                                                                              standard for RFID technology with its
         Future trends and opportunities:                                     top-tier IP rating, ensuring reliability
         "At Interem Relocations, we embrace                                  across diverse environments. This
         innovation to enhance logistics.                                     is just one example of our forward-
         Technologies like Artificial Intelligence                            thinking approach.”
         (AI) and  Machine Learning (ML)         We are exploring the           Regarding effective tools for data-
         improve predictive analytics,          use of AI and machine         driven logistics, Rai of FreightFox notes,
         automation, and decision-making.       learning algorithms to        “Among various effective tools, the
         IoT provides real-time visibility,    automate tasks, optimise       Unified Logistics Interface Platform
         while 5G and edge computing enable     processes, and predict        (ULIP) stands out. ULIP is a government
         faster data processing and analytics.                                initiative aimed at enhancing logistics
         Cloud computing and big data ensure        future trends.            efficiency and productivity nationwide.
         scalable, secure operations,” says                                   It has played a crucial role in
         Agarwal of Interem Relocations.           Vishal Agarwal             democratising critical data, allowing us
                                                   Interem Relocations
           He also highlighted sustainable                                    to enhance various aspects of logistics,
         logistics, cybersecurity, and emerging                               including cost, service, capacity, and
         technologies such as Augmented       On a similar note, Bar Code India is   sustainability. This, in turn, helps deliver
         Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)   also driving innovation in supply chain   superior logistics solutions across
         “Sustainable technologies like electric   management.                these dimensions.”
         vehicles and green warehousing are   “As we look to the future, we are   The future of Indian logistics is
         key to data-driven decisions, alongside   committed to pushing the boundaries   intrinsically linked to its ability to
         robust cybersecurity to protect   of technology to redefine what’s   harness data effectively. As the sector
         logistics data. Additionally, AR and VR   possible in supply chain management.   continues to evolve, those who can
         enhance employee training and enable   Our focus will continue to be on   leverage data-driven insights will
         remote facility inspections, improving   harnessing cutting-edge technologies   be best positioned to thrive in this
         efficiency and reducing costs."   such as AI, machine learning, and   dynamic and growing market. 
          September - October 2024                                                          
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