Page 26 - ITLN-September-October-2024-Issue-for-Website
P. 26

Special Report
               Drones in
               healthcare logistics

                                                                                                               Photo: SAMRIDH Healthcare Blended Finance Facility

           Other companies are also making   eliminating tuberculosis by 2025.   pose significant obstacles. Kumar
         significant strides in this field.   TechEagle, in March 2024, also won   of Skye Air Mobility explained these
         TechEagle, another Indian drone    a competitive bid for a tender with   challenges: "The dynamic regulatory
         delivery startup, has been pushing   AIIMS Guwahati for a 104-kilometre   framework in India, governed by the
         the boundaries of what's possible   drone delivery corridor, the longest   DGCA, necessitates that we obtain
         in emergency healthcare logistics.   flight in India among all medicine   multiple approvals and adhere to
         In September 2023, TechEagle's    delivery projects.                 strict guidelines.”
         hybrid e-VTOL drone, Vertiplane X3,   More recently, in May 2024, TSAW   Gupta of Redwing Labs highlighted
         completed its maiden flight from Sirohi   Drones demonstrated the critical   additional challenges, including
         to Waloriya in Rajasthan, covering 35   role of drones in time-sensitive   infrastructure limitations and the
         km in less than 20 minutes to deliver   medical scenarios. They carried out   need for community acceptance. He
         medicines to a tribal population. This   an oncological tissue delivery under   mentioned, "Many rural healthcare
         journey was six times faster than   controlled temperature and humidity   facilities operate on constrained
         ground transportation, especially   conditions between two hospitals in   budgets, making it difficult for them
         significant given the lack of roads for   Karnataka for laboratory testing. The   to justify the investment in advanced
         the last 8 km. The drone also returned   drone flight covered a distance that   drone-based logistics in the short
         with sputum samples, showcasing the   typically takes 60 minutes by road in   term. Convincing healthcare providers
         potential for bi-directional medical   just 16 minutes.              and local communities about the
         logistics. In January 2024, TechEagle                                benefits and reliability of drone
         completed one of India's longest   Overcoming obstacles              deliveries compared to traditional
         drone delivery flights, transporting TB   However, the integration of drone   methods is also a big challenge."
         medicines from AIIMS Rishikesh to   technology into India's healthcare   Addressing concerns about
         remote Uttarakhand areas, supporting   logistics has not been without its   the safety and security of medical
         the Pradhan Mantri TB Mukt Yojna,   challenges. Regulatory hurdles   supplies during drone transport
         a government initiative aimed at   and the diverse topography of India   is also a key priority for these
          September - October 2024                                                          
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