Page 28 - ITLN-September-October-2024-Issue-for-Website
P. 28

Special Report
               Drones in
               healthcare logistics

         companies. Skye Air Mobility has
         implemented a multi-layered
         approach, as Kumar explained, "We
         have also equipped our drones with
         secure, tamper-proof compartments
         that protect medical supplies from
         environmental factors such as
         temperature fluctuations, which
         is crucial for the safe transport of
         sensitive items like vaccines and blood
         samples. In fact, our temperature
         control mechanisms in the payload
         box maintain optimal compliance with
         industry standards, ensuring that
         supplies arrive in optimal condition."
           Gupta of Redwing Labs added to this,
         detailing their safety measures, "Our                                                                  Photo: Tsaw Drones
         payload compartments are tamper-proof
         and maintain controlled environmental
         conditions to ensure the integrity
         of medical supplies. Dual GPS and                                    ability to carry larger payloads, making
         airspeed sensors, along with fail-safe                               multi-point deliveries feasible in a
         mechanisms, are in place to ensure that                              single trip. Furthermore, coordinated
         the drone safely reaches its destination                             operations using drone swarms could
         even if a component fails mid-flight and                             allow mass deliveries in response to
         our ground control systems continuously                              emergencies, such as during disease
         monitor each flight, allowing real-time                              outbreaks or natural disasters."
         intervention if needed."                                               Kumar of Skye Air Mobility
                                                                              concluded with his perspective on
         Future flight paths                                                  future advancements: "We anticipate
         As the use of drones in India's                                      the integration of machine learning
         healthcare logistics continues to                                    algorithms into the drones, which will
         expand, the potential for broader                                    enable real-time decision-making
         societal impact becomes increasingly                                 and dynamic route optimisation
         evident. By overcoming geographical                                  enabled by companion computer.
         barriers and reducing delivery times,    We anticipate the           This could improve efficiency by an
         these innovative technologies are not   integration of machine       estimated 25%, making healthcare
         only transporting medical supplies      learning algorithms          logistics even more efficient and
         but also delivering hope to millions of                              responsive to urgent needs. We are
         underserved individuals. The success   into the drones, which        also exploring advancements in
         of these drone-based initiatives could   will enable real-time       battery technology (including battery
         inspire other developing nations facing   decision-making            management system), which could
         similar healthcare challenges, leading   and dynamic route           extend the flight range of our drones
         to a global shift in the way essential   optimisation enabled by     by up to approx. 30-40%, allowing us
         medical services are delivered.        companion computer.           to cover longer distances and serve
           Looking ahead, the future of drone                                 even more remote areas without the
         technology in India's healthcare           Ankit Kumar               need for frequent recharging."
         logistics appears increasingly              Skye Air Mobility          The journey to integrate drones
         promising. The integration of Artificial                             into India's healthcare system has
         Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things                             been marked by both challenges and
         (IoT) with drone systems is expected to   and decision-making systems will   breakthroughs. As the technology
         drive further advancements. Gupta of   improve efficiency and reduce human   continues to evolve and regulatory
         Redwing Labs shared his vision for the   intervention. As battery technology and   frameworks adapt, the future of
         future, highlighting, "Fully autonomous   hybrid propulsion systems improve,   drone-powered healthcare logistics in
         drones with AI-based navigation   we expect longer flight ranges and the   India looks increasingly bright.
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