Page 23 - ITLN-September-October-2024-Issue-for-Website
P. 23

How is Jeena & Company reshaping supply

    chains with innovative, data-driven solutions

                        In an exclusive interview with Indian Transport and Logistics News,
                        Prediman Koul, the new CEO of Jeena & Company, discusses the

                             company's focus on technology and data-driven logistics.

              eena & Company, a prominent   We employ a range of cutting-edge
              player  in   the  logistics  technologies such as the Internet
              industry, has been at the    of Things (IoT), Cloud Computing,
              forefront of revolutionising   Analytics Dashboards, and Portal
        Jtraditional      supply   chain   Technologies    to     streamline
        management.    With   a   legacy   data   collection,  analysis,  and
        spanning over 124 years, Jeena &   visualisation.  These  tools  enable
        Company has embraced technology    us to operate with real-time visibility
        as a cornerstone of its operations,   across the supply chain, ensuring
        optimising  its   supply  chain,   that we can respond swiftly
        enhancing efficiency, and delivering   to  changes  in  demand   or
        superior value to clients.         potential disruptions.

           Last year, the company launched    IoT  allows  us   to  monitor
        J5, a next-gen freight forwarding   shipments with precision, providing
        and customs platform with a new    real-time  data    on   location,
        technology architecture, showcasing   condition, and performance, while
        its commitment to innovation and a   cloud computing offers a scalable
        future-focused digital strategy.   and secure platform for storing
                                           and processing vast amounts of
           In the article, Koul explains the   data. Our analytics dashboards
        company's strategic use of data    consolidate this information into
        analytics and advanced technologies   actionable  insights,  allowing  us
        that   have   transformed   their   to  make   informed   decisions,
        logistics operations.              optimise processes, and enhance
                                           service deliveries.
        Q. How has data analytics                                             lead times from 30 to 3 minutes by
        transformed     your   logistics      Portal  technologies   further  automating document digitisation.
        operations?                        strengthen transparency by giving   J5 also syncs with our ERP system
        Data analytics has transformed     clients and partners secure access   for real-time supply chain tracking.
        Jeena & Company’s logistics by     to critical data, fostering trust, and
        providing real-time insights and   eliminating intermediaries that can   Q. How does Jeena & Company
        predictive  capabilities.  This  has   introduce inefficiencies or potential   stand out from other Indian
        enhanced efficiency, cut costs,    fraud. These systems also support   logistics firms?
        and   improved   decision-making,  faster, more accurate transactions,   What sets us apart is our
        allowing   for  better   demand    helping reduce costs and ensure    unwavering   focus  on   building
        forecasting, route optimisation, and   seamless operations.           long-term relationships with our
        proactive disruption management.                                      clients. We believe that success
        Additionally, it enables personalised   Q.  Which      data-driven    in logistics isn’t just about moving
        services by analysing customer data   logistics tools do you find     goods; it’s about understanding the
        and supports sustainability efforts.  most effective?                 intricacies of each client’s business
                                           We launched J5, a fifth-generation   and delivering solutions that add
        Q.   What    technologies     or   freight forwarding and customs     real value. This customer-centric
        software do you use for data       solution leveraging advanced data   approach, advanced technology,
        collection,    analysis,    and    technologies. It integrates with AI-  and adaptive outlook make Jeena &
        visualisation?                     powered CHA software, cutting      Company stand out in logistics.
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