Page 8 - ITLN July - Aug 2023 for Magzter
P. 8

Cover Story

         that the overall growth has slowed down                                  As e-commerce brands and their
         but he is expecting 20 to 25 percent                                   logistics service providers are shifting
         average growth this year. “So companies                                focus to profitability from growth and
         are expected to prioritise profitability                               cash burn, they also need to have a
         over growth and have to be very cautious                               clear strategy to attain this.
         towards cash burn. Three or four years                                   “It requires a lot of cross-utilisation
         back, it was more about volume but now                                 and optimisation,” pointed out
         it is about being profitable and reducing                              Himanshu Singhal, head of business
         cash burn,” he said.                                                   development marketing and sales of
           There are also industry leaders that                                 CABT Logistics, an intra-city logistics
         opined that it is the overvaluation that                               company for e-commerce. “Any new
         is getting cut from the industry. For                                  entrant in this supply chain industry
         example, Yogesh Dhingra, MD and chief                                  for the e-commerce industry has to
         executive officer of Smartr Logistics, said,                           burn a lot of cash, but profitability can
         “Over the last four years, there was so   Investments are not          be attained in a very short span of time
         much focus on the unlisted stock. More     as free-flowing as          if the proper focus is paid on cross
         money they used to burn, the higher the   they were earlier and        utilisation and optimisation of resources
         valuation used to be. But now people have   everybody realised that    and deliveries,” he said.
         understood that was not the right way of                                 The current dip in volumes and
         doing the valuations. Anything which was   the value of money is       growth will have a direct impact on
         overvalued is getting cut.”              higher than what they         e-commerce brands and their logistics
           However, there are also indications       thought earlier.           service providers. How many of them
         that targeted investments are happening                                will survive this funding winter or how
         in the e-commerce logistics segment.      Dipanjan Banerjee            will the turmoil shape this industry? Will
         For instance, Deven Pabaru, chief             Ecom Express             there be consolidation in the market?
         business officer of the e-commerce
         mid-mile and fulfilment company Stellar   is now going to see more bang for the   Consolidations?
         Value Chain Solutions opined that the   buck. “So the focus now is to make   For instance, Vikash Khatri, the founder
         serious players are continuing to invest   sure that the volume increases out of a   of the logistics & supply chain advisory
         even though they won't be immediately   good quality infrastructure that one has   and execution support firm Aviral
         visible, but the time and money invested   already built,” he said.    Consulting, took an example of how
         July - August 2023                                                                    
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