Page 16 - Indian Transport & Logistics News July - August 2024 Issue for Website
P. 16

             Cold Chain

         faces several challenges. The upfront
         costs of sustainable technologies
         can be prohibitive for many small
         and medium-sized players. There's
         also a lack of awareness among
         many stakeholders about the benefits
         of sustainable practices or how to
         implement them effectively. India's
         infrastructure challenges, particularly
         in rural areas, can make it difficult
         to implement certain sustainable
         practices, such as solar power
         adoption or efficient transportation
         networks. Additionally, while the
         government has introduced initiatives
         to promote sustainability, regulatory
         frameworks sometimes lag behind
         technological advancements, creating
         obstacles for companies wanting to
         adopt new sustainable technologies.
           However, there are significant
         opportunities for sustainable growth   Photo: Coldman Logistics
         in the sector. The Indian government
         has launched several initiatives to
         promote sustainable cold-chain
         logistics, one of which is the National
         Centre for Cold Chain Development   energy usage, temperature, and   highly promising. The country's current
         (NCCD), which has the agenda to   humidity levels in real-time, ensuring   cold chain market size is $35 billion
         positively impact and promote the   everything runs optimally with minimal   and is expected to reach $50 billion
         development of the cold-chain     environmental impact.”             by 2027. Technological advancements
         sector in the country.  “The Indian   Increasing consumer awareness   will continue to enhance efficiency,
         government is increasingly focusing   about sustainability is creating market   transparency, and reliability across
         on regulatory guidelines to align with   pressure for more environmentally   the supply chain, reducing waste and
         global standards in pharmaceutical   friendly cold chain solutions.   ensuring product quality. Sustainability
         distribution, emphasising the reduction   Partnerships with international   will be at the forefront, with significant
         of losses in fruits, vegetables, and   organisations and companies are   investments in renewable energy
         other perishables. Government support   bringing global best practices in   sources and eco-friendly refrigeration
         through infrastructure development   sustainable cold chain logistics to   systems aimed at reducing the
         and incentives will further lead to   India, with the Global Cold Chain   industry's carbon footprint."
         growth, particularly in tier-II and tier-III   Alliance (GCCA) working with Indian   In conclusion, the Indian cold chain
         cities,” noted Bose of Celcius Logistics.   companies to promote sustainable   logistics sector is at a critical juncture.
           Emerging technologies like the   practices and technologies.       While facing significant challenges, it
         Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain   As the industry continues to evolve,   is also embracing innovative solutions
         are creating opportunities for more   it will be crucial for all stakeholders   and sustainable practices. From
         efficient and sustainable cold chain   – from government bodies to private   solar-powered facilities to advanced
         management. Companies like New    companies and consumers – to work   monitoring systems and electric
         Delhi-based Tessol are developing   collaboratively towards building a   vehicles, companies are finding ways
         phase-change material (PCM) based   sustainable cold chain ecosystem.   to reduce their environmental impact
         mobile cold storage units that can   This not only promises environmental   while improving efficiency. As the
         maintain temperatures for up to   benefits but also offers the potential   sector continues to grow and evolve,
         72 hours without external power.   for increased efficiency and reduced   sustainability will undoubtedly play
         Highlighting the use of technology   waste for India's growing population.   a central role in shaping its future,
         in Indicold Logistics operations,    Bose of Celcius Logistics offers an   contributing to both environmental
         Jalan stated, “IoT and AI-based   optimistic outlook for the industry: “The   conservation and economic growth
         solutions help us monitor and control   future of cold chain logistics in India is   in India.
          July - August 2024                                                                
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