Page 13 - Indian Transport & Logistics News July - August 2024 Issue for Website
P. 13

ndia's cold chain logistics sector                               Even within temperature-controlled
            is undergoing a significant                                      environments, inadequate packaging
            transformation, grappling                                        can result in damaged goods, leading
        Iwith the dual challenges of                                         to waste and financial losses. Effective
        meeting growing demand and                                           packaging design must consider
        embracing sustainability. With a                                     various factors, including heat
        growing population and increasing                                    transmission from products through
        urbanisation, the need for efficient and                             the package, carton, and pallet
        environmentally friendly cold chain                                  stack. Optimising these elements
        solutions has never been more critical.                              is crucial for maintaining product
        According to a report by Mordor                                      integrity throughout the supply chain.
        Intelligence, India’s cold chain logistics                           Addressing the issue, Jalan of Indicold
        market is expected to reach $11.64                                   Logistics stated, “Waste reduction is
        billion in 2024 and grow to $18.19                                   crucial too. We're recycling packaging
        billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of   The industry is poised       materials and managing our inventory
        9.72% during the forecast period.  This   for a more substantial     better to minimise food waste. This
        growth is driven by increasing demand   transformation in the        not only helps the environment but
        for perishable products, government                                  also improves our efficiency.”
        initiatives, and rising organised retail   coming years with the       Addressing the financial challenges
        and quick-service restaurants.         introduction of battery-      in adopting sustainable technologies
           However, the sector faces significant   operated Medium           in cold chain logistics, Manju Korah,
        challenges. Cold storage facilities     Commercial Vehicles          Vice President - Operations, Snowman
        are energy-intensive, contributing to    (MCVs) and Heavy            Logistics mentioned, "The initial
        high operational costs and substantial                               investment costs associated with
                                                Commercial Vehicles          implementing sustainable technologies
                                                       (HCVs).               such as hybrid vehicles, Phase
                                                                             Change Material (PCM) technology,
                                                  Sanjay Sharma              and renewable energy sources are
                                                   Coldman Logistics
                                                                             substantial. Overcoming these upfront
                                                                             costs while demonstrating long-term
                                           carbon footprints. Despite growth   benefits in operational efficiency
                                           in the cold chain sector, India still   and reduced environmental footprint
                                           experiences significant food waste,   remains a critical challenge for us."
                                           with the Food and Agriculture       To address some of these
                                           Organisation (FAO) estimating that   challenges, many cold chain
                                           about 40% of India's fresh produce is   companies are turning to renewable
                                           wasted annually due to inadequate cold  energy sources like solar power to
                                           chain infrastructure. The market is   reduce their carbon footprint and
                                           also highly fragmented, with numerous  operational costs. Snowman Logistics,
                                           small-scale players, making it    one of India's largest cold chain
                                           challenging to implement standardised  companies, has implemented solar
                                           sustainable practices.            panels at several of its facilities,
                                             Kartik Jalan, founder & CEO,    reducing energy costs by up to 30%.
                                           Indicold Logistics, emphasised the   Bootes, a net-zero construction
                                           complexities of operating within a   company, and CargoPeople, an
                                           rapidly evolving regulatory landscape   Indian multimodal logistics company,
                                           and the need for specialised skills in   have collaborated to launch net-
                                           the workforce. He stated, “Navigating   zero cold storage to address critical
                                           various regulations and training staff   food waste challenges. Coldman
                                           with specialised expertise can be time-  Logistics has integrated solar power
                                           consuming, while justifying immediate   into 40% of its facilities, with plans
                                           costs to stakeholders is difficult.”  to transition all its operations to
                                             Another significant challenge in   solar power by the end of 2026. “This
                                           the cold chain sector is the impact   proactive approach has resulted in
                                              of poorly designed packaging.   a substantial reduction of over 5000
                                                                                                              11                                                                             July - August 2024
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