Page 10 - Indian Transport & Logistics News July - August 2024 Issue for Website
P. 10

Cover Story

         a mobile app for pick up registration,                               active pharmaceutical ingredient (API)
         manifest, live tracking & proof of                                   manufacturers,” says  Srivardhan
         delivery (POD) upload after delivery.                                Khemka, Director of Sanjivani
         We can also customise the software as                                Paranteral Ltd.
         per customer requirements & provide                                    Experts also propose a multimodal
         an interface between our software and                                approach that strategically integrates
         the customers logistics management                                   road, rail, and air freight, balancing
         software. Our shipments are moving in                                urgency and cost considerations. This
         Jeena Criticare Logistics (JCL) operated                             approach enhances delivery efficiency
         vehicles, we also have our own master                                and timeliness while reducing
         air waybill (MAWB) stock with the                                    reliance on any single, fluctuating
         airlines. We ensure that the first, middle                           transportation mode. In addition, there
         & last mile is monitored throughout the                              are logistics companies now offering
         supply chain with proper tracking of the                             hybrid sea/air solutions that aim to
         shipments & handled by JCL-trained         We anticipate             find an optimal balance between cost
         staff,” says Prakash Singh, COO of                                   efficiency and swift delivery.
         Jeena Criticare Logistics.             policies that assist the        “Govt of India has taken good
           Jeena Criticare, a healthcare        pharmaceutical sector         initiative for the logistics industry by
         logistics specialist in India, ensures vital   with tax relief, such as   introducing PM Gati Shakti  & the
         medical supplies like blood samples   lower or nil GST rates,        National Logistics Policy along with
         and vaccines reach their destinations   to facilitate business       digital technologies such as the unified
         safely. They provide services which          operations.             logistics interface platform (ULIP).
         include temperature-controlled                                       These policies have enabled ease of
         transport, customisable solutions, and   Srivardhan Khemka           doing business. We are planning to
         a wide delivery network across India.    Sanjivani Paranteral Ltd.   provide GPS tracking of all our vehicles,
           The regulatory environment for                                     and riders to the customers so they can
         pharmaceutical logistics in India is   Nirmala Sitharaman prepares to   get the live location of their shipments.
         evolving to keep pace with industry   unveil the Union Budget 2024 later this   We are also planning to reduce our
         growth and global standards. The   month, prompting industry leaders in   carbon footprint in future by shifting to
         Central Drugs Standard Control    the pharmaceutical sector to call for a   e-vehicles & we have already moved to
         Organisation (CDSCO) has been     renewed emphasis on their sector.  BS VI & CNG vehicles for 1st & last mile
         working on implementing Good         “To achieve a $130 billion industry   transportation,” states Singh of Jeena
         Distribution Practices (GDP) guidelines   by 2030, the budget should prioritise   Criticare Logistics.
         to ensure quality and integrity of   research and development, following   Sustainability is likely to become
         pharmaceutical distribution. Good   the example of last year's Promotion   an increasingly important focus for
         Distribution Practices (GDP) ensure   of Research & Innovation Programme   the pharmaceutical logistics sector.
         that pharmaceutical products are   (PRIP) Scheme. This goal can be   As awareness of environmental
         stored, transported, and handled under   met by investing more in integrating   issues grows, there will be increasing
         appropriate conditions to safeguard   technology and AI to enhance speed   pressure on the industry to reduce its
         their quality and efficacy.       and accuracy. We anticipate policies   carbon footprint and minimise waste.
           The government is in the        that assist the pharmaceutical sector   Investing in technology-driven logistics
         process of finalising regulations   with tax relief, such as lower or nil GST   facilities can transform drug storage
         for e-pharmacies, which will      rates, to facilitate business operations.   and handling practices, setting high
         have significant implications for   Additionally, considering the    standards. For example, optimising
         pharmaceutical logistics. However,   pharmaceutical sector's reliance on   package sizes not only cuts down on
         since no definitive policy has been   exports, we expect credit schemes and   storage and shipping expenses but
         established so far, e-pharmacies   policies to support international trade.   also fosters sustainability efforts.
         continue to face legal uncertainty and   Simplifying access to international   We may also see more investment in
         operational difficulties. Regulatory   markets will strengthen India's role   green transportation solutions, such as
         bodies have been also updating    in the global pharmaceutical industry.   electric vehicles for last-mile delivery
         guidelines for cold chain management,   Lastly, to promote the "Make in   As the sector evolves, it will continue
         particularly in light of COVID-19   India" initiative, the budget should   to be a critical enabler of India's vision
         vaccine distribution experiences.  include low-interest rates and grants   to be the world's pharmacy, driving
           The government is facing increased   to boost domestic manufacturing   accessibility, affordability, and quality
         expectations as Finance Minister   setups, particularly for domestic   in global healthcare.
          July - August 2024                                                                
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