Page 8 - Indian Transport & Logistics News July - August 2024 Issue for Website
P. 8

Cover Story

            Celcius Logistics' refrigerated vehicles
            delivering pharmaceuticals across India

         temperature-controlled environments                                  integrity. Additionally, we have employed
         throughout the supply chain.                                         trained personnel and standardised
           Despite its growth and potential,                                  protocols for handling and delivery,
         the Indian pharmaceutical logistics                                  further ensuring that pharmaceuticals
         sector faces several challenges.                                     reach their destinations safely
         Infrastructure gaps remain a                                         and in optimal condition, thereby
         significant hurdle, with many rural                                  meeting regulatory requirements and
         areas still lacking adequate logistics                               customer expectations seamlessly,”
         networks, making last-mile delivery                                  says Swarup Bose, Founder & CEO at
         challenging. Maintaining the cold chain                              Celcius Logistics.
         for temperature-sensitive drugs is                                     In addition to this Artificial
         another major challenge, especially                                  intelligence and machine learning are
         in a country with diverse climatic                                   being used to optimise route planning,
         conditions. Adhering to evolving                                     predict demand, and enhance inventory
         national and international regulations   We ensure that the first,   management. Automated warehouses
         for drug transportation and storage     middle & last mile is        and robotic systems are improving
         adds complexity to logistics operations.   monitored throughout the   efficiency and reducing human error
           The highly fragmented nature of                                    in storage and distribution. Big data
         the Indian retail pharmacy market    supply chain with proper        analytics is helping companies make
         complicates distribution networks,   tracking of the shipments       informed decisions about supply chain
         while ensuring the authenticity of      & handled by JCL-            optimisation and demand forecasting.
         pharmaceuticals throughout the              trained staff.             “Blockchain enhances transparency
         supply chain is an ongoing challenge.                                and traceability by securely recording
         Additionally, there's a shortage of       Prakash Singh              transactions across the supply
         skilled professionals in specialised    Jeena Criticare Logistics    chain, ensuring the integrity of
         areas like cold chain management and                                 temperature-sensitive products. It
         quality assurance in logistics.   SaaS platform, we integrate IoT    mitigates risks associated with data
           To address these challenges, the   devices and real-time monitoring   tampering and unauthorised access,
         Indian pharmaceutical logistics sector   systems into their fleet of vehicles.   thereby improving compliance with
         is increasingly adopting technology and   Our systems continuously monitor   stringent regulatory requirements.
         innovative solutions.             temperature conditions and other   These technologies enable real-time
           “We ensure stringent quality and   critical parameters during transit,   monitoring of environmental conditions
         temperature control of pharmaceuticals   ensuring that pharmaceuticals remain   and rapid response to deviations,
         during the last-mile delivery process   within specified temperature ranges.   safeguarding product quality during
         through a combination of advanced   Any deviations trigger immediate alerts   transit,” adds Bose of Celcius Logistics
         technology and meticulous operational   to the operations team, enabling swift   “We have developed our software per
         practices. Utilising our proprietary   corrective actions to maintain product   the latest industry requirements with
          July - August 2024                                                                
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