Page 7 - Indian Transport & Logistics News July - August 2024 Issue for Website
P. 7

he Indian pharmaceutical
                                       industry, often referred to as the
                                       "pharmacy of the world," has
                               Testablished itself as a global
                                powerhouse in drug manufacturing and
                                export. However, the success of this
                                sector hinges not only on production
                                capabilities but also on the intricate web
                                of logistics that ensures medicines reach
                                patients safely and efficiently. As India
                                continues to expand its role in the global
                                pharmaceutical market, the importance of
                                a robust, reliable, and innovative logistics
                                infrastructure cannot be overstated.
                                  India's pharmaceutical industry has
                                experienced remarkable growth over the     Armed with our robust
                                past few decades, cementing its position    infrastructure of over
                                as a key player in the global healthcare   4,000 vehicles and 100+
                                landscape. Statista forecasts that revenue   cold storages across
                                from the domestic pharmaceutical market   600+ cities in India, our
                                is set to reach $13.16 billion in 2024.   company is strategically
                                This growth is driven by factors such
                                as increasing healthcare awareness,         positioned to expand
                                rising incomes, expanding healthcare         beyond hyperlocal
                                infrastructure, and government initiatives to   deliveries into longer-
                                improve healthcare access. It further says   distance pharmaceutical
                                that India's pharmaceutical market size is        transport.
                                projected to reach $450 billion by 2047. As
                                of June’s report, the Indian pharmaceutical     Swarup Bose
                                market delivered a healthy revenue growth       Celcius Logistics
                                of 8.8% year-on-year.
                                  Not only in terms of market size but   The pharmaceutical logistics sector
                                also in manufacturing and export, India   in India is a complex ecosystem involving
                                is one of the biggest global suppliers of   multiple stakeholders, including
                                low-cost vaccines, producing 60% of the   manufacturers, distributors, retailers,
                                world's supply. According to a report by the   and third-party logistics providers. This
                                Government of India, the country is also   network is responsible for ensuring
                                the largest provider of generic medicines   that drugs are transported and stored
                                globally, occupying a 20% share in the   under optimal conditions, maintaining
                                global supply by volume. The industry   their efficacy and safety from production
                                manufactures about 60,000 different generic   facilities to the end-users.
                                brands across 60 therapeutic categories.   According to a report by Inkwood
                                India's pharmaceutical exports surged by   research, the Indian pharmaceutical
                                9.67% to $27.9 billion in 2023-24, despite   logistics market is projected to grow at a
                                a 3% dip in total exports, according to data   CAGR of 9.00% during the forecast period of
                                from the the ministry of commerce.    2024-2032. By 2032, it is expected to reach
                                  India exports pharmaceuticals to over   a revenue of $7.61 billion.
                                200 countries. It meets over 50% of Africa's   This growth is fueled by the expanding
                                demand for generics, nearly 40% of the   pharmaceutical industry, increasing demand
                                generic demand in the US, and approximately   for temperature-sensitive drugs, and the
                                25% of all medicines in the UK.       rise of e-pharmacy platforms. The sector
                                  In addition, the pharmaceutical sector   has seen significant developments in recent
                                has become a prime destination for foreign   years, particularly in cold chain logistics.
                                investors and has emerged as one of the   This growth is also driven by the increasing
                                top ten most attractive sectors for foreign   production and export of vaccines and
                                investment in India.                  biopharmaceuticals, which require stringent
                                                                                                              5                                                                             July - August 2024
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