Page 14 - Indian Transport & Logistics News July - August 2024 Issue for Website
P. 14

             Cold Chain

                                                                              substances possess the ability to
                                                                              absorb, store, and release substantial
                                                                              amounts of thermal energy as they
                                                                              transition between solid and liquid
                                                                              states. Emphasising the same, Sharma
                                                                              of Coldman Logistics mentioned,
                                                                              “Over the past few years, the adoption
                                                                              of LED lighting, PCM for insulation,
                                                                              and electrically charged refrigerators
                                                                              for transportation has significantly
                                                                              reduced the carbon footprint. However,
                                                                              the industry is poised for a more
                                                                              substantial transformation in the
                                                                              coming years with the introduction of
                                                                              battery-operated Medium Commercial
                                                                              Vehicles (MCVs) and Heavy Commercial
                                                                              Vehicles (HCVs).”
                                                                                Jalan of Indicold further mentioned,
                                                                              “When it comes to refrigerants, we're
                                                                              using ones with a low global warming
                                                                              potential (GWP) wherever possible
                                                                              to minimise our carbon footprint.
                                                                              Regular maintenance and leak
                                                                              detection systems ensure everything
                                                                              runs smoothly and prevents
                                                    Indicold Facility at Rai Sonipat  unnecessary emissions.
                                                                                Addressing the company's eco-
         metric tonnes of CO2 emissions over                                  friendly and cost-effective cold
         the years,” asserted Sanjay Sharma,                                  chain solutions, Korah of Snowman
         COO, Coldman Logistics.                                              Logistics, outlined their technological
           Discussing the company's innovative                                advancements and sustainable
         approach to temperature-sensitive                                    practices. He stated, “Our initiatives
         logistics and its impact on reducing                                 include hybrid and electric refrigeration
         product waste, Swarup Bose, Founder                                  vehicles, which reduce carbon
         & CEO, Celcius Logistics, highlighted                                emissions and enhance transportation
         their advanced monitoring and                                        efficiency across our logistics network.
         alert system. He elaborated, "Our                                    We leverage Phase Change Materials
         advanced contingency management                                      (PCM) technology in our refrigerated
         system ensures that any temperature                                  trucks to ensure precise temperature
         variance of ±2 degrees is immediately                                control, which not only decreases
         flagged. Alerts are sent directly to                                 energy consumption but also lowers
         our operations team and drivers via      IoT and AI-based            operational costs in cold chain
         a mobile app, email, and messages,   solutions help us monitor       logistics.” He further emphasised the
         allowing for prompt corrective actions.                              significance of electric vehicles (EVs)
         This monitoring system has not only      and control energy          in cold chain logistics, highlighting
         helped us maintain product quality    usage, temperature, and        their role as a cleaner alternative to
         but has also significantly reduced    humidity levels in real-       traditional diesel-powered trucks.
         spoilage and wastage. For instance, we   time, ensuring everything   He explained that the adoption of EVs
         decreased the wastage ratio from 4%     runs optimally with          contributes to reduced emissions and
         to 0.3% for one of our customers."    minimal environmental          offers the potential for integration
           The adoption of energy-efficient                                   with renewable energy sources such
         refrigeration systems and LED lighting         impact.               as solar power, further enhancing the
         is also on the rise.  A particularly       Kartik Jalan              sustainability of cold chain operations.
         promising development is the use of        Indicold Logistics          Despite these initiatives,
         PCM in cold chain logistics. These                                   implementing sustainability measures
          July - August 2024                                                                
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