Page 19 - ITLN Nov-Dec 2022 For Magzter
P. 19
The concept of having warehouses
close to the city, just in time for the
town is more important not just to
ensure timely deliveries but also to
save on your transportation costs.
By the time the goods go into the
warehouse and get sorted and then
get distributed demands a longer
turnaround time. That's why Bobba
Logistics warehouse is very much in
proximity to the national highway, the expanding pan India in the next few section has a 600-pallet capacity. It
city and all industrial hubs. years. We always started in the south. is a robust cold chain management
We also provide all the value- We did Chennai, Cochin, Bangalore, solution, complete with packaging and
added services and customise and Hyderabad, and then we went into processing technology & value-added
solutions to the client's needs. A lot Calcutta and it's the same way we services, dedicated to keeping up with
of our clients are looking for cold want to take it forward. consumers’ high expectations for the
chain solutions and we provide best product.
that component as well. We Give me an idea about the city of
do reverse logistics, inventory Bengaluru and the demand for 3PL E-commerce and omnichannel
management, labelling, services in the city as an example operations have brought some new
packing, repacking barcoding what are your plans for the city? trends in warehousing. How well you
and everything from A to Z During the Covid-19 pandemic and are aligning with those?
when it comes to delivery and even post-pandemic, we have realised Our facility is designed to cater to
distribution. that there is a huge demand for 3PL all sorts of industries. It's not just a
We are planning to provide services in Bengaluru, particularly regular warehousing activity but also
tailor-made solutions by in the healthcare and food industry, e-commerce. We cater to first-mile
customising them according to where the supply was huge while and last-mile deliveries, as well as
our client's requirements. Our the storage was not much and with hyperlocal deliveries, depending
aim is to sit down with clients restrictions and lockdowns it had on what the client wants. We have
from e-commerce players to supply issues as well. As a basic also tried to experiment with a
shippers to freight forwarding ingredient such as milk, they used to couple of new concepts like on-
communities to whoever needs stock up because they were not sure demand warehousing to book slots,
a third-party logistics company to if it was there the next day or the day consolidation and handle valuable
handle their logistic requirements after. The supply chain is essential cargo as well.
and give them appropriate for all the cities and Bengaluru also
solutions. The main concern for all sees that demand. The reason why What is the immediate and long-
is on-time delivery, efficiency and over here we feel higher demand term future of Bobba Logistics in
service for which we have been compared to the others is because terms of footprint, competition and
known for last 30 years. of lots of imports, exports and service offered?
distribution happening from here. The immediate plan is to make
Bobba Group is completing 30 sure what we're launching in
years of existence. Give me an What are the features and Bangalore, caters to everyone
idea about what that means. peculiarities of the new warehouse the way we envision and fulfils
My father has been in aviation that you are launching in Bengaluru? all kinds of service standards.
for more than 45 years, he The Bobba Logistics warehouse is a The next action plan would be to
was a pilot and he was with sprawling 75,000-square-foot, state-of- go forward in the other Southern
Lufthansa. And then we went the-art facility with complete provision states, add more verticals, create
to GSA and GHS. It was a to manage end-to-end supply chain more employment and be a part of
natural progression for us to needs, including newer strategies like boosting the economy. We believe
get into warehouse and terminal micro-fulfilment. It can be used as a in providing service and state-of-
handling. We've seen quite a journey. distribution centre (located closer to the-art infrastructure to industries
It is for the next generation to handle the market) and allows both fast pick- that need warehousing as we all
it and take it forward to another level. up and faster delivery. support and contribute to the overall
Our core competence was more to do growth of the economy and our
with logistics warehousing, aviation- What is your capacity in terms of country. This is such a huge industry
related and that's the way we're cold storage? where everyone can have their own
progressing and looking forward to The Bobba Logistics cold storage combinations and models.
17 November - December 2022