Page 28 - ITLN September - October 2023 for Magzter
P. 28


         Industrial, logistics leasing across 8

         cities in H123 grew 35% Y-o-Y

                                                            ndian industrial & logistics   Delhi-NCR, Mumbai, and
                                                          I(I&L) sector recorded a 35%   Chennai led the leasing
                                                          Y-o-Y surge in total leasing,   activity during the Jan-Jun’23
                                                          which stood at 19.1 mn. sq. ft.   period, accounting for a 60%
                                                          across 8 cities during Jan-  share in the total leasing.
                                                          June’23 period.              All cities, barring Bangalore,
                                                             The real estate consulting   demonstrated an uptick in
                                                          firm CBRE South Asia,        I&L leasing compared to the
                                                          announced in the findings of its   corresponding period last
                                                          latest report, ‘CBRE Industrial &   year. A significant surge in
                                                          Logistics Figures H1 2023’ that   supply was recorded, marking
                                                          the leasing activity is expected   a 78% Y-o-Y increase, and
                                                          to sustain its momentum in   stood at 17.7 mn. sq. ft.
                                                          the Jul-Dec’23 period, which is   during Jan-Jun ‘23. This
                                                          expected to be partly driven by   boost was primarily due to the
                                                          festive season sales observed   completion of pent-up supply
                                                          across the country.          in a few cities.

         Kerry Indev leases 3 lakh                                    TVS ILP completes $100mn

         sq ft warehouse from                                         fund raise from NIIF

         IndoSpace in Sri City

                                                                        VS Industrial & Logistics Parks (TVS ILP),
                                                                      Ta leading logistics infrastructure and
                                                                      warehousing company and part of the TVS Mobility
                                                                      Group, has strengthened its partnership with NIIF
                                                                      Infrastructure Finance (NIIF IFL).
                                                                        TVS ILP received the investment in three
                                                                      phases totaling roughly $100 million. Capitalising
                                                                      on the partnership, TVS ILP plans to double its
          ndoSpace leased 3 lakh sq.   manufacturing across India.    portfolio to 20 million sq ft with an investment of
         Ift. of warehousing space to   Rajesh Jaggi, vice chairman   approximately $400 million.
         3PL services provider Kerry   – Real Estate, Everstone         Nitin Aggarwal, President, TVS ILP says:
         Indev Logistics in Sri City.   Group, said, “We are deeply   “This investment solidifies TVS ILP's position
           The facility, which occupies   honoured to continue being   as a leading player in the warehousing and
         a space of 3 lakh sq. ft. is built   the partner of choice for Kerry   industrial park segment. Our goal is to become
         exclusively for supporting   Indev Logistics. This renewed   the most trusted industry leader in providing
         Mitsubishi Electric India’s   association is a testament     integrated infrastructure solutions that meet the
         (air conditioning business)   to the trust they place in     highest standards of quality, functionality, and
         operations. The 3PL logistics   our capabilities, and we will   environmental responsibility. The additional funds
         provider has a well-        continue to innovate and         empower us to enhance our sustainability efforts,
         established tenant portfolio   provide best-in-class solutions   and we will look forward to continuing association
         including key OEMs from     to all our partners and operate   with NIIF IFL.”
         automotive and electronics   with the highest governance.”
         September - October 2023                                                              
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