Page 30 - ITLN September - October 2023 for Magzter
P. 30
BLR Airport reports 124%
surge in mango exports
s the mango season BLR Airport reported
Ahas drawn to a close, increased export of mangoes
Kempegowda International Airport, to the United States this year
Bengaluru (KIAB/BLR Airport) has where prominent metropolitan
recorded a 124 percent surge in regions such as Dallas Fort
mango exports compared to the Worth, Washington D.C., and San
previous year, establishing a three- Francisco played a pivotal role,
year tonnage record. the release added.
"In 2023, BLR Airport Satyaki Raghunath, Chief
processed exports of 684,648 Strategy and Development
kgs of mangoes, a significant Officer, BIAL says: "BLR Airport
rise from 305,521 kgs exported has emerged as a driving force
in the previous year. This in facilitating perishable exports
season's exports saw an 86 from India. With substantial
percent increase in the number volume shares across Indian
of pieces with approximately 1.7 airports, we take pride in our role
million pieces of mangoes being in enhancing the global reach of
exported," says an official release. South India’s mangoes."
Etihad Cargo offers additional
IndiGo picks Swissport for ground capacity to South India
handling at Nairobi
ndiGo commenced new daily direct flights between
IMumbai and Nairobi with its Airbus A321 aircraft, on
August 5, 2023, and for its first destination in Africa,
IndiGo has picked Swissport Kenya for airport ground
services at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (NBO)
in Nairobi, Kenya. Swissport will handle also belly cargo
for IndiGo’s Nairobi operation, which is mostly general
cargo and pharmaceuticals.
“The agreement with India’s largest airline covers
complete ramp handling and passenger services
including ticketing, check-in, passenger mobility, and
aviation security,” reads the Swissport release. tihad Cargo, Etihad Islamabad, the Maldives,
Services include ramp handling including the EAirways' cargo and Phuket and Cairo.
movement of aircraft and baggage services, and a wide logistics subsidiary, will To meet increased
range of passenger services, from check-in, to baggage provide customers and cargo capacity demand in
services and passenger mobility, along with additional partners more belly hold the Indian market, Etihad
services such as aircraft cleaning, aviation security and cargo capacity throughout Cargo will offer more
the operation of an executive lounge. the carrier's global network belly-hold cargo capacity
beginning in September across new passenger
2023, with new routes and routes to Kozhikode and
increased frequency. Thiruvananthapuram,
Etihad Cargo will provide operating seven flights per
additional belly-hold cargo week to each destination.
capacity via the introduction Seven new passenger flights
of increased passenger to Chennai will bring the total
flight frequencies to Munich, number of weekly flights to
Rome, Madrid, Milan, Beijing, 21, supported by a twice-
Shanghai, Chennai, Kochi, weekly freighter service.
September - October 2023