Page 26 - ITLN September - October 2023 for Magzter
P. 26


                                                                                   CEVA expands

                                                                                   India presence,

                                                                                   buys Stellar

                                                                                   Value Chain


         TVS Supply Chain Solutions

         lists on stock exchanges

            VS Supply Chain Solutions, promoted   supply chain solutions market in India.
         Tby TVS Mobility Private, T.S. Rajam   For the last 15 years, TVS SCS has
         Rubbers, Dhinrama Mobility Solution,   managed large and complex supply
         and Ramachandhran Dinesh, listed on   chains across multiple industries
         the stock exchanges after the IPO.   in India and select global markets
           “The fresh issue will be utilised for   through customized tech-enabled
         payment of debt availed by the company   solutions. The company’s global
         and its subsidiaries -- TVS LI UK and   customers include 72 ‘Fortune Global   EVA Logistics signed an
         TVS SCS Singapore -- and for general   500 2021’ companies in the six-month   Cagreement to acquire 96
         corporate purposes,” reads the release.   period ended December 31, 2022.   percent of Mumbai-based
           Promoted by the erstwhile TVS   The Company’s customers span            Stellar Value Chain Solutions
         Group and now part of TVS Mobility   across numerous industries such as   from an affiliate of private
         Group, TVS Supply Chain Solutions is   automotive, industrial, consumer,    equity firm Warburg Pincus and
         an India-based multinational company,   tech and tech infra, rail and utilities,   other shareholders.
         that pioneered the development of the   and healthcare.                     "Started in 2016 by
                                                                                   Anshuman Singh, Stellar
                                                                                   Value Chain Solutions in India
         Delhivery narrows loss after tax 78% YoY,                                 has grown into a key player in
         44% QoQ to ₹89 cr in Q1 FY24                                              contract logistics with omni-
                                                                                   channel fulfilment services in
                                              elhivery reported revenue from       the e-commerce, automotive,
                                          Dservices of ₹1,930 crore in Q1 FY24,    food products, consumer,
                                          up 11 percent YoY from ₹1,746 crore in Q1   fashion and retail, healthcare
                                          FY23 and up 4 percent sequentially from   and pharmaceuticals market
                                          ₹1,860 crore in Q4 FY23.                 segments. Singh will continue
                                            Adjusted EBITDA loss reduced by 89%    driving this business following
                                          YoY to ₹25 crore in Q1 FY24 compared to   the acquisition," says a release
                                          ₹217 crore in Q1 FY23. Loss after Tax in   from CEVA.
                                          the same period narrowed by 78% on YoY     CEVA will acquire
                                          basis to ₹89 crore in Q1 FY24 from ₹399   approximately 7.7 million
                                          crore in Q1 FY23 and by 44 percent on    square feet of space across
                                          QoQ basis from ₹159 crore in Q4 FY23.    more than 70 facilities in 21
                                            Express Parcel shipment volumes        cities across India. In addition,
                                          grew 19 percent YoY to 182 million in    CEVA will inherit the Stellar
                                          Q1 FY24 from 152 million shipments in    workforce of nearly 8,000 full-
                                          Q1 FY23. Volumes grew by more than       time and temporary employees
                                          2 million shipments over Q4 FY23 as      who have strong expertise and
                                          well, despite Q1 traditionally being a   relationships in India.
                                          seasonally weak quarter.
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