Page 22 - ITLN September - October 2023 for Magzter
P. 22

             Last mile

         given timeline. Our average delivery time                              last year's Diwali stands a testament
         remains under 10 mins.                                                 to this commitment. Through activities
           “With the evolution of our analytics                                 like gifting plants to our customers,
         model combined with the data science                                   which not only raise awareness about
         model evolution, we have started                                       carbon footprints but also tangibly aid
         optimising every leg of our ETA and                                    in reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide,
         errors on a real-time basis, using specific                            we are proactively taking steps towards
         properties of our order, leveraging                                    environmental betterment. For us at
         parameters like rider and packer stress in                             iThink Logistics, sustainability isn't just
         addition to taking into account multimodal                             a's an integral part of our
         delivery option (bike, EVs, cycle etc). These                          mission to make the world a greener
         innovations have enabled us to make our                                place for future generations."
         ETA more trustworthy.”                                                   Gati's parent company Allcargo Group
           The challenges we've identified lie                                  has embarked on a transformative
         in the high costs and inefficiencies of   We have an integrated        environment, social and governance (ESG)
         non-optimised processes, resulting in   command centre and             journey, demonstrating its commitment
         elevated expenses, says Sarang of iThink.   control tower that is      to environmental, social, and governance
         "To address this, we've harnessed our     now being enabled            responsibilities, adds Gowrinath. "Allcargo
         deep expertise in logistics alongside   with active or real-time       Group has an ambitious goal of becoming
         AI to unlock value throughout the                                      carbon neutral by 2040 along with other
         shipping value chain. We have identified   AI as a next step post      ESG goals. At Gati, for the ESG plans,
         a significant issue affecting our COD   the implementation of          we aim to convert the entire pickup and
         customers with a 15 percent lack of intent   medium and short-term     delivery fleet of more than 2,500 vehicles
         in their orders. This has been leading to   analytics engines.         into alternative fuel vehicles by 2025. We
         higher return rates and increased costs                                have already developed environment-
         for both forward and reverse logistics. As   V Rajesh Gowrinath        friendly warehousing facilities at Delhi,
         a strategic solution, we have developed           Gati                 Mumbai and Nagpur and will build more
         an innovative automated active order                                   such warehouses across the country."
         confirmation tool. This tool provides   and historical data analytics, Shipsy’s   Chokshi of Shipsy adds: “Making
         real-time order data and confirmation,   solutions ensure intelligent automation   logistics sustainable for our customers
         effectively slashing the surplus logistical   of critical processes like route planning   is critical for us. Dynamic delivery
         costs by 80 percent.”              and optimisation, order allocation, multi-  landscape, consumer demands,
           Shipsy's intelligent and automated   carrier selection, driver payout operations   economic benefits, brand conscience
         order allocation engine and real-time   and customer communications.   and regulations are the five primary
         visibility capabilities play a critical   "For instance, our last-mile solution   drivers of logistics sustainability.
         role in drastically reducing last-mile   automatically decides which logistics   There is one north star for ensuring
         delivery costs, adds Chokshi. "What   provider to partner with based on   sustainable logistics operations —
         it does is figure out the most cost-  business objectives. These objectives can   the distance travelled per package.
         efficient way to execute a delivery   range from cheapest deliveries, fastest   Therefore, we are helping businesses
         by staying within the bounds of a   delivery, best on-time delivery percentage,   across the globe to focus on reducing
         duration promised to a customer. We   serviceability expertise in specific regions   the distance travelled and making the
         have helped a leading omnichannel   or pin codes, best customer ratings and   miles travelled greener. We have already
         healthcare provider to optimise last-  more. Shipsy's platform offers real-time   helped eliminate one billion+ miles and
         mile delivery costs by 41 percent.”  tracking and visibility of shipments during   saved 750 KT of carbon emissions.”
                                            the crucial last-mile phase. This level   Since our model is based on shorter
         Using AI to optimise last-mile delivery  of transparency allows shippers and   distance, we’re able to optimise on
         iThink's dashboard is equipped with   logistics companies to monitor the exact   eco-friendly vehicles for delivery such
         features designed to assist sellers   location and status of deliveries, reducing   as e-bikes and bicycles, adds Vohra of
         in reaching their end customers    uncertainty and improving customer   Zepto. "Through our back-end tech,
         more efficiently by monitoring carrier   communication.”               we’re able to allocate deliveries for these
         performance, shipment ageing, zone-                                    options based on distance. This has also,
         wise turnaround time (TAT) performance   Sustainability in last-mile deliveries  over time, helped us grow our EV and
         and NDR.                           Sustainability in operations is of   bicycle penetration. Furthermore, our
           There are many ways in which Shipsy’s   paramount importance for iThink   data-led demand prediction ensures
         technology is transforming last-mile   Logistics, says Sarang. "At our core, we   strategic supply chain management
         delivery operations, says Chokshi. "One of   feel a deep sense of responsibility to   when it comes to daily and weekly
         the most vital changes we drive is making   pave the way for sustainable and ethically   fulfilment across our motherhubs and
         supply chain operations autonomous and   responsible logistical practices. The very   dark stores, thereby reducing carbon
         proactive. Using AI, ML and real-time   launch of our “GoGreen” initiative during   footprint and minimising wastage." 
         September - October 2023                                                              
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