Page 18 - ITLN September - October 2023 for Magzter
P. 18
Last mile
How technology is
solving last-mile
Delivery speed, demanding customers and multiple
stakeholders make last-mile deliveries a technological
feat waiting to be executed….AI, ML, route optimisation
and everything in between comes into play here…
Jyothi Shankaran
ame day delivery, 60 minute
delivery, 10 minute delivery - the
speed at which e-commerce
Shas metamorphosed to ensure
customers are happy and satisfied has left
the supply chain gasping for solutions..
and the saving silver lining has been
With the Covid pandemic-induced
frantic buying and digital payments
zooming off, companies had no choice
but to adopt the latest technologies - to
deliver, forecast and ensure availability of
products and services.
And that's why tech adoption of As a policy, our
last-mile delivery gains prominence. riders are only shown
Last mile delivery is the final leg of the navigation routes
the logistics process when products and not the promised
are transported from a distribution or delivery time thereby
fulfilment centre to the final customer. It ensuring that they
is also the stage that impacts customer
satisfaction and plays the most critical focus on reaching
role in creating the brand. safely and are under
Grocery was one of the largest retail no pressure to
categories in India but offered limited deliver under a given
options for home deliveries, according timeline.
to Kaivalya Vohra, CTO, Zepto. "Legacy
online platforms used to take six to Kaivalya Vohra
seven days to deliver an order, and local Zepto
vendors lacked the resources to meet
high demands. We set out to solve that efficiency in operations, ultimately
very problem by offering consumers the making 10-minute deliveries possible.
choice of having their groceries delivered From the initial stages of developing the
right when they need it. app, implementing geo-fencing, and
"Technology has certainly played an establishing backend support technology
instrumental role in our journey. Our to our current focus on fine-tuning
best-in-class tech stack helps drive the customer journey within the app,
September - October 2023