Page 16 - ITLN September - October 2023 for Magzter
P. 16


           Pharma is not well-known for its                                     durations for any task, analysing best
         innovative environmental initiatives. In                               routes for logistics during any specific
         reality, the industry has a long history                               month and most importantly collecting
         of leaving a significant carbon footprint.                             data base from the medicine unit sent
         Businesses must find solutions that                                    about the temperature journey right
         prioritise supply chain resilience and                                 from the start until it reaches the
         sustainability while meeting basic                                     patient thus determining if the medicine
         safety standards.                                                      was kept in the required temperature.
           “To make vehicle transportation                                      A successful usage of a drug from a
         more sustainable for the delivery of                                   manufacturer is only possible if the drug
         perishables and pharmaceuticals,                                       doesn’t lose its potency, thus impacting
         several measures can be taken. One                                     the performance of the drug on the
         approach is to adopt new technologies                                  critical patient,” said George.
         that promote efficiency and reduce
         emissions. This could include the use of   Until we don’t remove       Evolving Trends
         cleaner fuels like compressed natural     it from our minds            The pharmaceutical cold chain logistics
         gas (CNG) or the gradual shift towards    that the cold chain          sector is transitioning from traditional
         electric-run vehicles and charging units.                              to modern warehouse facilities. One-
         By implementing these changes, the      facilities and the cold        time use and multi-use temperature-
         industry is already witnessing a shift     room monitoring             controlled boxes are becoming
         towards reducing carbon footprints       documentation need            increasingly popular for transportation.
         and promoting a more sustainable           only to be ready            Apart from that, there are certain
         transportation system,” said Handa.      during an audit we            developing trends that are becoming a
           “Reefer trucks need to move towards    will never be able to         part of the sector's progress in India.
         electric vehicles for short distances,                                   “New trends in cold chain logistics are
         use cargo railway network for long        change the system.           live tracking data loggers, reusable cold
         distances by placing the referred truck     Arnold George              chain packaging solutions, development
         on the carriages and thus minimising          TPC Packaging            of a central pharma storage and
         the fuel usage and creating a dedicated                                distribution warehouse for domestic
         platform for sending part load in   temperature-tracking systems that   and export shipments, use of drone
         reefer vehicles across the country   utilise AI to ensure the integrity and   technology for deliveries and logistics
         is a step towards reduction of fuel   safety of pharmaceutical products.   companies conducting training for cold
         consumption,” said George.         During vaccine distribution projects,   chain handling teams. Multi-mode
           “In addition, IoT-enabled vehicles   we were able to successfully monitor   transport for shipments are getting
         may provide real-time tracking and   this. However, the adoption and   implemented for domestic and export
         monitoring for both the vehicle and   implementation of these technologies   shipments. In the next few years, we will
         its cargo. Through IoT applications,   by the pharmaceutical industry as a   also see the implementation of advanced
         this includes monitoring temperature   whole is still a question, and further   PCM +5 for passive packaging solutions,
         control, guaranteeing correct handling,   exploration is needed to determine   which will replace dependency on active
         and maintaining accurate inventory   how well the industry can absorb and   solutions,” said George.
         records,” Bose added.              integrate this technology into their   The market for temperature-sensitive
                                            processes,” said Handa.             commodities is likely to expand in
         AI for Temperature History            “Thanks to advancements in AI,   the future, and new infrastructure
         Adoption of technology in cold storage   robotics and technology, we are   and technical advances are being
         warehouses has become significant in   witnessing a transformation in last-mile   implemented to improve the efficiency
         the pharma supply chains. Integrating   deliveries within the pharmaceutical   and dependability of cold chain logistics.
         these technologies with existing   supply chain. This innovation extends   “Digital adoption across cold chain
         Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)   to the use of drones and compact   networks for the pharma sector has
         can improve real-time temperature   temperature-controlled vehicles. These   emerged as an effective tool to build
         monitoring and control dramatically.   advancements enable timely deliveries   an organised, green, robust and agile
           Can AI help in retaining the     to even the most remote locations,   pharma cold chain that is ready to
         temperature history of the medicine   all while maintaining the integrity of   support the business ecosystem of
         from the moment it leaves the      the product by preserving the optimal   a nation. Supported by policies like
         manufacturing facility until it reaches   temperature conditions throughout the   the National Logistics Policy, and the
         the patient, as tracking the medicine   entire journey,” said Bose.    rising global demand for India-made
         temperature during transit is important?  “AI completely works on past   vaccines, the growth of the sector is just
           “Yes, AI can play a significant   data and thus can 90 percent of the   picking up, and setting the right digital
         role. With the advancements in     time successfully predict the future   infrastructure would be the first step
         technology, we now can implement   results. AI can be used in areas of time   toward the future,” said Bose.
         September - October 2023                                                              
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