Page 18 - ITLN July - Aug 2023 for Magzter
P. 18

             Air Cargo

          India bright spot for

        global air freight

               Indian air cargo industry is a rare ray of hope, hope of growth due to
               multiple levers - economic growth, increasing EXIM trade and laser
               focus of global companies on India for supplies as well as demand.

                  Jyothi Shankaran

                  lobal cargo revenue is    generated on the domestic and the   realistic in my view," says Horst. "India
                  expected to be $142 billion   remainder on the international sectors,   is not going to replicate the trajectory
                  in 2023, according to the   Frederic Horst, Managing Director, Trade   that China had in the past but I do
        Glatest update from The             and Transport Group said in his report   expect a decent level of growth coming
         International Air Transport Association   India Air Cargo Outlook 2023.   from the market – just not 20+ percent
         (IATA), 31 percent lower than $207    Cargo handled across Indian airports   per year for the next seven years."
         billion in 2022 but well above $100   may touch 2.4-2.5 million tonnes in   The air cargo industry in India has
         billion earned in 2019.            2023 even as passenger/belly capacity   come a long way with strong consumer
           "Yields will be negatively impacted   comes back, says Horst. "With 5-6   demand serving as the primary driver of
         by two factors: (1) ramping-       Indian conglomerates investing abroad,   growth," says Deepak Kumar, Head, Air
         up of passenger capacity which     the India link is always going to be   Logistics, India, Sri Lanka, and Maldives,
         automatically increases available belly   strong. So, India is in a good position as   Kuehne+Nagel. "It is one of the most
         capacity for cargo and (2) potential   far as trade is concerned."     competitive and growing markets in
         negative effects on international     International traffic in the first quarter   the air cargo sector. Air freight traffic
         trade of economic cooling measures   of 2023 was up 8.3 percent but still   between domestic and foreign airports
         introduced to fight inflation." Yields   down 14 percent compared to 2019, says   has also experienced a significant post-
         are expected to correct with a 29   Horst. "In 2017 and 2018, foreign carriers   pandemic recovery resulting in faster
         percent decline this year but remain   moved about 79 percent of total traffic.   product delivery to end customers.
         high by all historical comparisons.   In 2022, it was 87 percent, Horst added.   "As economic activities pick up in the
         "Yield increases of 54.7 percent were   "The drop in Indian carrier market share   country, air freight movement will also
         recorded in 2020, 25.9 percent in 2021   was really driven by Jet Airways exiting   lead to higher growth. E-commerce,
         and 7.4 percent in 2022."          the market. A lot will hinge on how much   shifting consumer habits, and MSMEs
                                            widebody belly capacity gets added by   are expected to be the major factors as
         India story bright                 Indian carriers. If Air India adds some   more people have access to the Internet
         Given the gloomy outlook, the Indian   widebody freighters to its network then   and a well-developed digital payment
         cargo industry is a rare ray of hope,   that will lead to a shift in the share as   infrastructure that has spread across
         hope of growth due to multiple levers -   well. But foreign carriers will continue   the country. The Indian air cargo industry
         economic growth, increasing EXIM trade   to dominate India – much like they   offers new opportunities, and while
         and laser focus of global companies on   dominate other markets due to their   important stakeholders like cargo
         India for supplies as well as demand.  networks."                        service providers, airlines, and
           The Indian air cargo market generated                                   airport operators are
         2.2 million tonnes of traffic - 1/5th the   10 million tonnes by 2030 -
         size of China’s and about 1/10th the   Doable?
         size of the U.S. air cargo market - in   "That would require more than 20
         2022 with about 30 percent of the traffic   percent growth per year – that’s not
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