Page 19 - ITLN July - Aug 2023 for Magzter
P. 19

banking on these opportunities, there                                  solutions to support our customers
        are a few challenges such as climate                                   with their carbon reduction journey.
        change and airport infrastructure that                                   "Specifically for the air cargo
        the industry may face in realising its                                 industry, companies need to
        vision of reaching 10 million tonnes of air                            embrace techniques for sustainable
        cargo by 2030.                                                         environmental solutions that will help
           "The pandemic has accelerated the                                   them minimise carbon footprints.
        digitalisation of the aviation and logistics                           Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is a
        industries as the modern business                                      cleaner substitute for conventional jet
        environment requires faster and higher-                                fuel and plays a key role in the aviation
        quality services. Therefore, with the use                              industry’s plan to reduce carbon
        of technology-driven solutions, cargo                                  emissions in the coming decade.
        service providers can bring transparency,                                "At Kuehne+Nagel, we’ve been a
        accuracy, and speed to day-to-day                                      keen advocate for sustainable fuels
        processes for efficient last-mile delivery.   Air freight traffic      across all forms of logistics, including
        Air freight logistics companies are     between domestic and           the adoption of SAF in air freight. As
        seeing increased demand from an                                        of December 2022, we have procured
        expanding market segment, which can      foreign airports has          about seven percent of the global SAF
        be met with freighters that can handle   experienced significant       production, and we have committed
        capacity shortages, fluctuating volumes,    post-pandemic              to an even larger volume for 2023. We
        and peak season.                         recovery resulting in         are spending a lot of effort and time
           Another key driver to drive growth for   faster product delivery    transferring and sharing knowledge to
        air cargo in India is the infrastructure   to end customers.           our industry, suppliers, and customers.
        of Indian airports, adds Kumar. “The                                   In April alone, we hosted various
        Indian government has launched a            Deepak Kumar               customer sessions in India with almost
        well-laid plan to upgrade and further         Kuehne+Nagel             100 customers attending in three cities.
        develop the country’s air transport                                    We are also cooperating with our carrier
        infrastructure as international hubs to   to roughly eight percent of CO2   partners regarding possibilities of
        enable airlines to optimally make use of   emissions worldwide. As industry   reducing the weight of an aircraft (lighter
        such facilities."                   leaders, we are committed to reduce   pallets, safety nets, only running one
                                            our contribution to that percentage   engine during taxiing at an airport etc.).”
        Pain points for Indian air cargo    by actively reducing our own CO2     K+N recently formed the Sustainable
        There is no doubt that climate change   emissions in transport and developing   Engine Alliance with Atlas Air and SR
        is one of the biggest challenges facing                                Technics Group to set new industry
        all of us, says Kumar of K+N.                                          standards for low-carbon aircraft
        "Logistics industry                                                    engine supply chains in line with the
        contributes                                                            SBTi. "Through this alliance we also aim
                                                                               to reduce our collective environmental
                                                                                  impact through networks for
                                                                                      sustainable engine supply
                                                                                          chains and a portfolio of
                                                                                            sustainable services.
                                                                                              This initiative is
                                                                                              expected to reduce
                                                                                             engine supply
                                                                                             chain-related scope
                                                                                           three emissions ahead
                                                                                          of the Aerospace 2050
                                                                                        sustainability targets."

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