Page 21 - ITLN July - Aug 2023 for Magzter
P. 21

What is the current volume of cargo                                    we have invested tremendously
        being processed at BLR Airport, and                                    across the spectrum in terms of
        what was it in 2022, and 2021? As per                                  infrastructure, so we have the new
        February figures, domestic cargo           We had the right            runway which was commissioned
        recorded an increase of 8% in CY          facilities in terms of       in 2019. We have invested heavily
        2022 at BLR Airport. What was the                                      in airside infrastructure in terms of
        commodity mix or cargo verticals that   physical infrastructure        taxiways, aprons, dedicated cargo and
        led to this growth?                         and also we had            freighter stands. We have invested in
        We have had a spectacular run over      invested tremendously          upgrading our cold chain facilities here
        the last 3-5 years here at BLR Airport.   in digital infrastructure    at the airport and there has been an
        There has been a significant growth      over the course of the        investment in terminal infrastructure.
        generally in volume and tonnage. In          last few years.             We have invested tremendously in
        the last year we had our best ever year                                the road and landside infrastructure
        in CY 2022 with about 4,12,000 metric                                  in terms of expanding the cargo
        tonnes of cargo and in FY 2022 we had                                  roads (one lane to two lanes on
        411000 tonnes so it was roughly the   the right facilities in terms of physical   each side). We have invested in the
        same. That year has been our best ever   infrastructure and also we had invested   truck parking facilities which is
        year since the airport opened. This year   tremendously in digital infrastructure   called the ATMF (Automated Truck
        we will end up in the range of 4,20,000   over the course of the last few years.   Management Facilities) here, run by
        and 4,30,000 tonnes, so we have had an   So I think those two things acted very   Shell. And I think all of these aspects
        incredible few years.               well in combination with the fact that   put together meant that the overall
           I think from a domestic perspective   the market was looking for new players,   cargo infrastructure from a physical
        this year has been very good. From   was looking out for new products and   perspective has significantly enhanced
        an export perspective, I would say   that we were located in the right part of   our capabilities and also led to two
        that our two biggest commodities    the country and were able to tap into the   things: one is volume growth but
        or areas where we had growth were   hinterland and the general growth story   equally improving our dwell times and
        agriculture and perishables and the   of Bengaluru and Karnataka.      processing capabilities because it has
        pharmaceutical side of the business.                                   generally made the ease of getting in
        From the import perspective it was   What were some of the physical    and out of the airport far better. So I
        electronics and heavy machinery.    infrastructure that you put in place   think that has driven cargo growth as
           I think the growth was driven by a   that drove this growth?        well. Our cold chain facilities have been
        combination of the fact that we had   Over the course of the last five years   some of the best in the country.

                                                                                                                  19                                                                                 July - August 2023
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