Page 16 - ITLN July - Aug 2023 for Magzter
P. 16

Cover Story

                                                                                to automate their deliveries through
                                                                                digital solutions, pointed out that from
                                                                            Photo: Amazon India  big manufacturers to small businesses
                                                                                in smaller cities everybody wants to
                                                                                go online and there is huge scope for
                                                                                digital transformation there.
                                                                                  “Still 70 to 80 percent of India's
                                                                                manufacturing businesses are not
                                                                                digitised and there is a huge scope for
                                                                                digitization over there. Because all of
                                                                                these people have facilities where the
                                                                                manufacturers are distributing their
                                                                                products from the hub to different
                                                                                retailers, distributors are making
                                                                                the product online,” he said. He
                                                                                promises the e-commerce ecosystem
                                                                                to have more efficient deliveries with
                                                                                intelligent technologies for visibility
                                                                                and route optimisation.
                                                                                  Meanwhile, Jain of NimbusPost
                                                                                pointed out there is a surge in mobile
                                                                                commerce in the country, with the
                                                                                increasing penetration of smartphones
                                                                                and affordable data plans. “This has
                                                                                led to a shift in consumer behaviour,
                                                                                as more people are now comfortable
                                                                                shopping online via mobile devices.
                                                                                In fact, the rise of social commerce
         to resource constraints, increased                                     has captured the attention of both
         pressure to deliver timely, and potential                              businesses and consumers. Platforms
         delays. Limited courier options further                                like Instagram and Facebook have
         lead to limited delivery reach and                                     become popular avenues for product
         the inability to boost one’s customer                                  discovery and purchase, enabling
         base. Reaching remote locations                                        seamless transactions within the social
         poses a logistical challenge due to                                    media ecosystem.”
         limited connectivity and inadequate                                      “Also, the emergence of vernacular
         transportation infrastructure,” he said.                               e-commerce is another noteworthy
           Meanwhile, Sarang of iThink                                          trend. To tap into the vast untapped
         Logistics, which is also an aggregator,                                market of non-English speaking users,
         projected its focus on e-commerce                                      e-commerce players are localising
         reverse logistics as Unique Selling                                    their platforms, offering content
         Point (USP). “So our focus as an                                       and customer support in regional
         aggregator is to reduce the return for   More money they used          languages. This inclusivity has opened
         the sellers. For that, apart from giving   to burn higher the          up new avenues for growth and
         them technology, we are also involved    valuation used to be.         expansion,” he added.
         in their operations. In fact, we are     But now people have             Clearly, the e-commerce and
         the first one who started focusing on   understood that was not        logistics ecosystem is at crossroads.
         Non-Delivery Report (NDR) with our                                     It can't continue to grow at the cost
         patented technology.”                   the right way of doing         of profitability. It should find ways
           Even though there is a market             the valuations.            to be leaner and present positive
         correction going on, the industry is                                   EBITDA. It needs to pay attention to
         preparing for another festival peak                                    the consolidations that may shake
         season and is expecting big volumes to     Yogesh Dhingra              the industry. Above all, logistics
         come back. There are several positive        Smartr Logistics          companies should understand the
         factors that can drive this growth                                     needs of their shippers and customer
         which includes the entrepreneurial   Upcoming festival season          experience. Another festive season,
         spirit of Indian youth as well the   For example, Rahul Mehra, co-founder   another peak season but things
         internet and mobile penetration to the   of Roadcast Tech Solutions, which helps   are not the same in the Indian
         large Indian population.           e-commerce and logistics companies   e-commerce logistics market. 
         July - August 2023                                                                    
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