Page 22 - Indian Transport & Logistics News July - August 2024 Issue for Website
P. 22


         Why Indian logistics companies                                       advancements collectively enhance
         need automation                                                      efficiency and cost-effectiveness,
         Shiprocket's Goel suggests that AI,                                  driving significant improvements in
         machine learning, and robotics can                                   the logistics chain."
         make India's logistics more efficient
         and cost-effective. These technologies                               So, what are the top benefits of using
         can optimise routes and automate                                     automation in logistics?
         warehouse tasks for faster deliveries                                1. Increased efficiency:
         and lower costs.                                                     Automation significantly speeds
           Explaining the impact of automation                                up logistics processes. Automated
         technologies Goel said, "For example,                                systems can handle tasks such
         AI can analyse traffic patterns and road                             as sorting, picking, packing, and
         conditions to find the most efficient                                shipping much faster than human
         delivery routes, reducing delivery                                   workers. This acceleration leads to
         times and fuel costs. Machine learning                               quicker turnaround times and higher
         algorithms can forecast product                                      productivity levels, allowing businesses
         demand, helping logistics companies                                  to meet customer demands effectively.
         optimise inventory levels and prevent                                2. Improved accuracy:
         stock outs. In warehouse automation,   AI, machine learning,         Human errors in logistics can lead
         robotics streamlines operations and    and robotics can make         to costly mistakes, such as incorrect
         minimises manual errors, increasing    India's logistics more        shipments or inventory discrepancies.
         accuracy and speed."                     efficient and cost-         In contrast, automated systems
           Agreeing with Goel's point,                 effective.             perform tasks with high precision and
         Zaiba Sarang, Co-founder of                                          consistency. This reduces the risk of
         iThink Logistics, said, "Robotics in        Saahil Goel              errors and ensures that goods are
         warehouses speed up sorting, picking,         Shiprocket             accurately tracked and delivered.
         and packing processes, reducing                                      3. Cost reduction:
         human error and labour costs. These                                  One of the most compelling benefits of
          July - August 2024                                                                
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