Page 24 - Indian Transport & Logistics News July - August 2024 Issue for Website
P. 24


         automation is cost savings. By reducing
         the need for manual labour, businesses
         can lower staffing costs and overheads.
         Automated systems also help minimise
         waste and improve resource utilisation,
         increasing profit margins.
         4. Enhanced customer service:
         Automation enables faster and more                                   ensure consistent availability of
         reliable service, crucial for maintaining                            goods, ultimately leading to improved
         customer satisfaction. With automated                                customer satisfaction.
         inventory management and real-time                                     "Automation has replaced manual
         tracking, businesses can ensure timely                               labour with robots in warehouse
         deliveries and inform customers about                                management, increasing speed and
         the status of their orders.                                          accuracy. Inventory management has
           "Automated systems can                                             become more precise through real-time
         provide high precision to customer                                   tracking and data analytics, reducing
         service and inventory management                                     stock discrepancies. Automated
         operations. This enables businesses                                  sorting systems have enhanced
         to react more quickly to market                                      delivery accuracy and speed. These
         and client needs changes. Using                                      changes have led to tangible benefits
         these systems reduces expenses                                       such as reduced operational costs,
         and improves service dependability,   Robotics in warehouses         faster turnaround times, and improved
         which is essential for maintaining a      speed up sorting,          customer satisfaction," added Sarang.
         competitive edge in the fast-paced      picking, and packing         2. Transportation Management
         logistics industry," said Nishith                                    System (TMS):
         Rastogi, founder and CEO of Locus.      processes, reducing          A Transportation Management System
                                                   human error and            (TMS) automates various aspects of
         Top five logistics automation               labour costs.            transportation operations, such as
         strategies                                 Zaiba Sarang              carrier selection, load planning, and
         1. Warehouse Management System              iThink Logistics         shipment tracking. Using TMS software,
         (WMS):                                                               businesses can reduce transportation
         A Warehouse Management System                                        costs, enhance delivery times, and
         (WMS) is software designed to     pickers, and Automated Storage     improve supply chain visibility. One
         streamline and organise warehouse   and Retrieval Systems (ASRS) to   key benefit is the ability to set rules
         operations by automating tasks such   accelerate the movement of goods,   for automated carrier selection based
         as receiving, put-away, picking, and   minimise errors, and free up workers   on factors like item size and delivery
         shipping. It leverages technologies   for more intricate tasks. Real-time   location, which is especially beneficial
         such as conveyor belts, robotic   inventory management capabilities   for micro-fulfilment centres.
          July - August 2024                                                                
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