Page 26 - Indian Transport & Logistics News July - August 2024 Issue for Website
P. 26


         3. Autonomous vehicles:
         The rise of autonomous vehicles is
         transforming the field of logistics.
         These self-driving trucks, drones,
         and delivery robots operate without
         human intervention, resulting in cost
         savings, improved safety, and round-
         the-clock efficiency. This technology
         has already made waves globally, with
         examples such as Aramex's drone and
         robot deliveries in Dubai and Wayve's
         autonomous vehicle trials in London
         for grocery deliveries.
         4. Predictive analytics:
         Predictive analytics uses historical
         data, machine learning, and statistical
         analysis to forecast demand, optimise
         inventories, and enhance supply chain
         efficiency. By analysing data such
         as shipment volumes and customer
         behaviour, companies can allocate
         resources more effectively and
         anticipate potential issues. Predictive
         analytics enables proactive problem-
         solving and improves profitability by
         allowing businesses to operate with
         leaner inventory and staffing levels                                 of what is expected in the customer
         while meeting customer demands.                                      sectors of logistics companies, such
         5. Robotic Process Automation (RPA):                                 as retail and automotive (6 to 8%) and
         Robotic Process Automation (RPA)                                     pharmaceuticals (8 to 10%).
         uses software robots to automate tasks                                 Although the benefits of logistics
         such as order and invoice processing,                                automation are evident, the
         inventory management, and shipment                                   implementation of these technologies
         tracking. RPA reduces errors, improves                               presents its own set of challenges:
         accuracy, and increases productivity,                                1. High initial costs:
         allowing workers to focus on more                                    Investing in automation technology
         complex tasks. This technology is set to                             requires substantial capital. For
         transform logistics by driving process                               instance, a smart warehouse facility can
         automation and enhancing efficiency.                                 cost anywhere from $1 million to $25
           Talking about the benefits and                                     million, depending on the complexity
         latest advancements, Koul said, "We   Automated systems can          of the systems installed. Therefore,
         have recently launched J5, an in-      provide high precision        businesses must thoroughly assess
         house advanced freight forwarding                                    the return on investment (ROI) before
         and customs clearance platform.       to customer service and        making such financial commitments.
         Implementation is happening in         inventory management          2. Job displacement:
         phases, taking a one-line function at        operations.             Automation can displace human
         a time to ensure the process settles      Nishith Rastogi            jobs, so companies should consider
         down well and users are fully trained           Locus                the social and ethical implications
         about it. Integrating AI into processes                              and plan for workforce transitions by
         within Jeena has reduced internal                                    reskilling employees for new roles
         process time by around 30%."      globally, investment in warehouse   alongside automated systems.
                                           automation will see the slowest    3. Integration complexity:
         Challenges of implementing        growth in the logistics sector, at   Integrating new automation tech with
         automation                        around 3 to 5% per year through    existing systems can be complex
         McKinsey research estimates that   2025. This growth rate is about half   for businesses. They must ensure
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