Page 34 - Indian Transport & Logistics News July - August 2024 Issue for Website
P. 34


         Adani airports handle over one million

         tonnes cargo in FY2024

             dani Airport Holdings   international, the release
         A(AAHL) handled one       added. "The international
         million tonnes of air cargo   cargo tonnage amounted
         in the financial year 2023-  to 662,258 tonnes, an
         2024 (April 2023 to March   increase of nine percent
         2024), an increase of seven   compared to previous
         percent from last year. "AAHL   fiscal's 606,348 tonnes."
         facilitated 1,013,115 tonnes of   The cargo operations were
         cargo in FY2023-24, capturing   driven by automobiles,
         30.1 percent market share,"   pharmaceuticals,
         says an official release.   perishables, electricals/
           Over 65 percent of the   electronics, and engineering
         cargo managed by AAHL was   goods.

         International cargo                                         BLR Airport tops in

         operations start from                                       perishables exports, again

         Mangaluru Airport

                                                                        empegowda International Airport
            he integrated cargo      exporters from coastal         KBengaluru (KIAB/BLR Airport) announced
         Tterminal at Mangaluru      Karnataka and Kerala and       that it continues to be the No. 1 Airport in
         International Airport started   the hinterland to export   India for exporting perishables for the fourth
         international operations on   perishables such as fresh    consecutive year with FY 2023-24 recording
         July 2, 2024. The operations   fruits and vegetables, food,   a total perishable cargo tonnage of 63,188
         began with Air India Express   machine parts, textiles, shoes,   tonnes, marking 18 percent YoY growth.
         flight IX 815 carrying 2,522   tropical fish, frozen and dry   “This achievement highlights BLR Airport's
         kgs of fresh fruits and     fish, plastic colouring material   significant contribution to India's perishable
         vegetables to Abu Dhabi, says   and ship parts (propeller) in   exports, handling 28% of the country's total
         an official release.        the form of belly cargo.       perishable cargo. BLR Airport also processed
           Mangaluru is one of the     IndiGo and Air India         44% of south India’s total perishable cargo,”
         seven airports Adani Airport   Express with their connectivity   reads the release.
         Holdings operates in the    will enable exporters to          While BLR Airport excels in exporting a
         country.                    send cargo to Dubai, Doha,     variety of perishable goods throughout the
           The start of international   Dammam, Kuwait, Muscat,     year, it secured the number one position for
         cargo operations will enable   Abu Dhabi and Bahrain.      poultry product exports in FY 2023-24, shipping
                                                                    47,041 tonnes. Additionally, the airport exported
                                                                    2,050 tonnes of flowers. Overall, poultry, fresh
                                                                    vegetables, fresh fruits, and flowers emerged as
                                                                    the leading perishable cargo categories.

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