Page 37 - Indian Transport & Logistics News July - August 2024 Issue for Website
P. 37


        Welspun One’s second fund raises ₹2,275 crore

           he fund and development       ultra-high-net-worth individuals,
        Tmanagement platform Welspun     family offices, corporates, and
        One announced the closure of     domestic institutions.
        its second fund totalling ₹2,275   Combined with Fund 1, Welspun
        crore, inclusive of co-investment   One's investor base now comprises
        commitments.                     1000 unique investors. It also
           “This achievement represents   reads, “This success underscores
        a significant milestone in the   the confidence that investors have
        domestic real estate alternatives   in both the warehousing segment
        sector, marking the largest      and the robust franchise and
        domestic fund raise in this space,”   management team at Welspun One.
        reads the release.               This confidence is further bolstered
           Capital was sourced from      by the impressive track record of
        a diverse pool of 800 Limited    Fund 1, Welspun One's first fund
        Partners (LPs) or investors,     vehicle of approximately ₹500 crores,
        including high-net-worth and     raised in early 2021.”

        IKEA partners with Rhenus                                   IndoSpace leases over

        ahead of e-commerce                                         1.25 lakh sq.ft space to

        expansion in Delhi                                          CJ Darcl in Bengaluru

                                                                        J Darcl Logistics (CJ Darcl) has leased over
                                                                    C1.25 lakh square feet of warehousing space
                                                                    in the Narasapura Industrial and Logistics Park
                                                                    in Bengaluru from IndoSpace for nine years.
                                                                      Built on a plot spread across 64 acres,
                                                                    the park is located just 54 kilometres from
                                                                    Bengaluru city centre, says an official release
                                                                    from IndoSpace.
                                                                      Rajesh Jaggi, Vice Chairman - Real Estate,
                                                                    The Everstone Group says: “This collaboration
          KEA has signed an MoU     delivery to customers in the    not only symbolises our shared commitment to
        Iwith Rhenus to elevate the   Delhi NCR region, marking     excellence but also strategically positions CJ
        home delivery experience for   a significant milestone in   Darcl to leverage IndoSpace's expansive reach
        customers in the Delhi NCR   IKEA’s expansion in India. This   across 11 cities and 52 parks, facilitating their
        region.                     strategic expansion enables     growth in key consumption and manufacturing
           This step aims to support   the company to fulfil majority   hubs across India."
        the growth of IKEA's        of the orders within 24 hours.
        e-commerce expansion          Through technology
        and ensure faster and more   integration, the partnership
        sustainable deliveries to the   will enhance flexibility and
        customers in the region.    cost-effectiveness in managing
           Under this partnership,   the furniture major’s supply
        IKEA India along with Rhenus,   chain. In January 2024, IKEA
        will establish a warehouse   India announced the launch
        facility capable of storing   of its e-commerce offering
        and fulfilling over 7000+   across 62 districts in the states
        products. This initiative   of Maharashtra, Karnataka,
        ensures seamless doorstep   Telangana, and Andhra Pradesh.
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