Page 36 - Indian Transport & Logistics News July - August 2024 Issue for Website
P. 36


         Japanese logistics firm

         Seino enters India with                                     Blue Dart

         Mahindra Logistics JV                                       commences
                                                                     drone deliveries

                                                                     with Skye Air

                                                                        lue Dart has successfully launched drone
                                                                     Bdeliveries in collaboration with Skye Air.
                                                                       “The move marks a significant advancement
                                                                     towards cleaner and more efficient delivery
                                                                     solutions,” says an official release.
                                                                       "Initially focusing on the growing
                                                                     e-commerce sector, this innovative approach
                                                                     is set to revolutionise last-mile delivery by
            he Japanese logistics firm   & strategic non-auto        offering same-day delivery for shipments,
         TSeino Holdings is entering   customers with integrated     significantly reducing delivery time and
         into the Indian market through   logistics solutions covering   environmental impact."
         a partnership with Mahindra   Auto Outbound, Warehousing      Balfour Manuel, Managing Director, Blue
         Logistics. This partnership   & Transportation, and a       Dart says: “The logistics sector in India is
         aims to offer Integrated    comprehensive technology        experiencing an exhilarating phase. The
         logistics solutions to leverage   suite. Leveraging Mahindra   nation's robust economic growth, coupled with
         Seino’s global relationships   Logistics' vast capabilities   the aspirations of its consumers and growth in
         with Japanese automotive    and strong network, Seino       Tier 2 & Tier 3 cities, has significantly boosted
         customers and serve their   Holdings can now deliver        purchasing power. This surge in demand
         logistics requirements in India.   optimized logistics solutions   emphasises the need for innovative solutions
           Under the terms of the    and extend its reach to         that drive growth while ensuring efficiency
         agreement, the companies will   customers across India with   and sustainability. As we witness the marvel
         form a Joint Venture, owned by   a strong focus on technology,   of drone technology, we eagerly anticipate
         Mahindra Logistics and Seino   process innovation,          extending this service further, with plans
         Holdings. This JV will focus on   operational excellence, and   to cover additional pin codes in subsequent
         providing Japanese automotive   sustainability.             stages with our partners.”

         Shadowfax launches AI-based SF Maps for seamless deliveries

            hadowfax has introduced SF Maps,   Indian addresses often lack
         San advanced Artificial intelligence   structure, are susceptible to language
         (AI)-based address intelligence system   and understanding-based gaps
         designed to enhance delivery accuracy   and are highly prone to input error,
         and efficiency.                   posing challenges in pinpointing exact
           The innovative tool predicts    locations during delivery.
         customer locations with unparalleled   "SF Maps addresses these
         precision, setting a new industry   complexities by leveraging a
         standard with over 90 percent accuracy   sophisticated AI/ML model trained
         within 100 metres of the intended   on a vast dataset of Shadowfax’s past
         destination, says an official release.   deliveries and pickups exceeding
           "SF Maps greatly improves       1.5 billion data points. This model
         navigation for delivery partners, thereby   adeptly handles incomplete
         assisting e-commerce platforms and   addresses, ambiguous area names,
         Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) brands in   reliance on distant landmarks,
         reducing cancellations due to address   and inaccurate pincodes, ensuring
         inaccuracies on their platforms."   smooth operations."
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