Page 38 - Indian Transport & Logistics News July - August 2024 Issue for Website
P. 38

News                                                                 N Naammmmaa

         IndiGo CarGo signs

         interline deal with Air
         France KLM Martinair Cargo
                                                                       UNLOCK THE

                                                                     POTENTIAL OF


                                                                    Warehousing | Material Handling | Automation |
                                                                          Storage | Logistics | Supply Chain

             ir France KLM Martinair   cooperation between IndiGo
         ACargo (AFKLMP) and       CarGo and AFKLMP Cargo
         IndiGo CarGo announced    will give our customers even
         the signing of an extensive   more choice and solutions.”
         interline agreement         Mark Sutch, Chief
         connecting their networks.   Commercial Officer,
           “The special prorate    IndiGo CarGo adds: “This
         agreement will be effective   collaboration not only
         as of July 16, 2024," says   broadens our service
         an official release from   offerings but also allows us
         AFKLMP.                   to leverage their extensive
           GertJan Roelands, Senior   global reach, thereby
         Vice President, Commercial,   providing our customers                 INTRALOGISTICS &
         Air France KLM Martinair   with a wider array of options              WAREHOUSING
         Cargo says: “The          across diverse geographies.”
                                                                               EXPO 2024
         Pradhaan Air Express

         launches maiden flight from
         Mumbai to Tashkent                                          19 20 21 DEC 2024

                                                                    KTPO Convention Centre, Whitefield, Bengaluru
                                   showcases Serum Institute's
                                   prowess in the industry and
                                   reinforces India's position as        Discover the future of
                                   a trusted supplier of high-   warehousing, logistics & supply
                                   quality vaccines," says Nipun   chain at region’s leading trade
                                   Anand, Founder, Pradhaan
                                   Air Express. "Our goal is to          show and conference
                                   secure India's position on the
            radhaan Air Express    global map as a dominant
         Plaunched its inaugural   player in air cargo while     REGISTER TO EXHIBIT
         flight from Mumbai to     strengthening the country's
         Tashkent, Uzbekistan,     pharma reputation. We are
         carrying 65 tonnes of     committed to providing
         vaccines from the Serum   efficient and reliable                                               FUTURE
         Institute of India.       logistics solutions to                        MARKET EVENTS
           “The successful shipment   support the growth of the
         of vaccines to Tashkent   pharma industry."             For space booking and sponsorships:
                                                                 Arun Singh             Mahendra Singh Bora
     36                                                          +91-78278 55273        +91-87557 99941
          July - August 2024                           
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