Page 21 - ITLN May-June 2024 for Magzter
P. 21

Indian startups
               are disrupting the
                logistics industry
               by revolutionising
              traditional practices
              through digitisation,
                automation, and            can significantly reduce operational   purchase experiences will be critical
            innovative technologies.       expenses. According to Bansal,    differentiators for last-mile providers,
                                           businesses are evolving with these   ensuring a positive and hassle-free
                Sandeep Bansal             homegrown technologies, leading to   customer experience throughout the
                  Falcon Autotech          increased efficiency and improved   delivery lifecycle. Profit optimising
                                           supply chain management.          costs will remain crucial for last-mile
        offering them access to a wide range of                              providers to maintain profitability.
        products, efficient sourcing solutions,   The current landscape         The shift in shopping habits post-
        and strategic collaborations with   India's logistics sector has historically   pandemic has led to significant changes
        local vendors," said Sachin Jain, Chief   struggled with inefficiencies,   in the logistics industry. E-commerce
        Financial Officer (CFO) and Chief   fragmented operations, and       companies are now offering fast
        Strategy Officer (CSO) of ProcMart.   infrastructural challenges. However,   deliveries, resulting in substantial
                  According to the FarEye   the emergence of startups focusing   growth in the sector. Many startups,
                 report, leaders should use   on last-mile delivery, supply chain   especially in the EV sector, are meeting
                   AI, EVs, and drones to   optimisation, warehousing solutions,   the increasing demand. EV as a Service
                    optimise operations and   and digital freight platforms is ushering   has become popular, offering tailored
                     achieve sustainable,   in a new era of efficiency and reliability.  programmes to accelerate EV adoption.
                      low-carbon deliveries.   The FarEye report further     According to Akash Gupta, Co-founder
                       Leveraging AI and   highlighted that demand for faster and   and CEO of Zypp Electric, this benefits
                       predictive analytics   more convenient delivery options is   all stakeholders.
                        for demand         rising, with customers expecting same-  Electric Vehicle as a Service (EVaaS)
                        forecasting and    day and next-day delivery as the norm.   is a subscription-based model that
                        route planning     The ease of returns and seamless post-  provides users with access to electric

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