Page 22 - ITLN May-June 2024 for Magzter
P. 22


         vehicles (EVs) without the burden of
         ownership. This model offers benefits
         such as flexibility, cost savings, access
         to the latest technology, reduced
         maintenance hassles, and contributes
         to sustainable mobility. Zypp Electric
         is an Indian startup that focuses on
         providing eco-friendly last-mile delivery
         solutions through EVaaS.
           While this is generally true, a quality
         delivery experience can be a revenue
         driver. Most shippers struggle to
         maintain a balance between cost and
         quality, and thus, outsourcing is not
         the only solution if they want to gain a
         competitive advantage. For carriers,
         last-mile delivery is the heart of
         their operation. Many are focused on
         reducing last-mile delivery costs and
         enhancing customer experiences.
           As technology and connectivity
         improve, shippers are beginning to
         outsource delivery networks with more
         choices than ever before. Competition
         is heating up, making it more critical
         to be technology-driven to improve                                   as they are mainly from tier II cities or
         efficiencies.                                                        villages where tech adoption is already
           By giving up control of the fleet and                              low. However, technology adoption
         outsourcing parts of or sometimes                                    can completely transform the logistics
         the whole of their network, last-mile                                industry, mainly through AI, to predict
         leaders are achieving cost efficiencies                              cost-saving routes and potentially save
         and aiming for more speed, flexibility,                              trillions of dollars globally.
         and scalability.
           In 2019, Trucknetic began changing                                 Technology as a game changer
         the process of booking trucks to                                     The logistics sector is experiencing
         transport goods across the country.                                  disruption driven by technology,
         "The idea is very simple. It is to make                              mainly through startups' innovative
         trucking as simple as booking a cab in                               use of AI, IoT, and machine learning.
         real-time through platforms like Ola                                 These technologies enhance visibility
         and Uber," said Arham Partap Jain,                                   across the supply chain, optimise
         Founder of Trucknetic.                      By digitising            logistics operations, and reduce costs.
           Discussing the level of technology   procurement processes         Gupta emphasised the importance
         adoption, the founder of Trucknetic       and optimising             of technological advancements in
         mentioned, "In India, tech adoption in                               leveraging big data to assess strategy
         tier two cities and beyond is relatively   supply chains, we're      and improve services. Fleet operators
         low. Despite the widespread availability   driving significant       are empowered to deploy their fleet
         of 4G, the impending arrival of 5G, and   advancements in how        effectively, maximising order count and
         the high number of smartphones in the   businesses manage            earnings for delivery partners.
         country, the adoption and adaptability   their supply chain            Zypp, as a full-stack platform,
         of technology is not as great, except       operations.              integrates technology and fleet
         perhaps in the case of social media."                                management, providing dedicated
           During the conversation, Trucknetic's     Sachin Jain              dashboards for operations and business
         founder highlighted the challenge of          ProcMart               partners, as well as a dedicated app
         tech adoption in the logistics industry.                             for delivery partners to track fleet and
         Tech adoption is low among drivers,                                  earnings. This approach results in
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