Page 23 - ITLN May-June 2024 for Magzter
P. 23

Industry leaders will prioritise eco-
                                                                             friendly practices such as EV fleets and
                                                                             carbon-neutral facilities. Additionally,
                                                                             there will be a focus on reverse logistics
                                                                             and circular economy models to
                                                                             reduce waste and promote responsible
                                                                             resource utilisation utilisation.
                                                                                "Sustainability is a top priority in
                                                                             the logistics industry, and Locus is
                                                                             committed to enhancing sustainability
                                                                             through our innovative solutions. We
                                                                             continuously improve route planning
                                                                             to reduce fuel consumption and
                                                                             carbon emissions. Our clients have
                                                 EV as a Service has         saved 12 million kg in greenhouse gas
                                              become popular, offering       emissions, equivalent to the emissions
                                                tailored programs to         sequestered by 30 thousand acres of
                                               accelerate EV adoption        forest cover each year," said Rastogi.
                                                                                "Additionally, our industry-first
                                                   Akash Gupta               Last-Mile Maturity Assessment tool
                                                     Zypp Electric           empowers businesses to optimise
                                                                             their logistics operations for increased
                                                                             efficiency, customer satisfaction, and
                                                                             sustainability," he added.
                                                                                Jain highlighted the industry's
        increased clarity, transparency, and                                 latest sustainability efforts, including
        confidence, fostering deeper growth and                              reducing environmental impact,
        expansion across India.                                              promoting ethical sourcing, and
          Jain and Bansal agreed on logistics                                enhancing circular economy principles.
        advancements. Bansal emphasised the                                  ProcMart has launched initiatives such
        ability of logistics companies to scale                              as BioFuel and Sustainable Packaging
        operations and optimise inventory                                    verticals and advocates for eco-friendly
        management using AI, driving                                         logistics practices.
        efficiency and innovation. Rastogi                                      Trucknetic's Jain also mentioned
        added that continuous innovation and                                 the need to address the high cost of
        AI insights empower businesses to be                                 logistics, the unorganised nature of
        more agile in the logistics landscape.   We’re aiming to reduce      the business, and challenges with
        Jain highlighted ProcMart's AI and ML   the return load deficit      asset utilisation and return trips.
        algorithms for data-driven inventory                                 He added, "To be more sustainable
        management decisions.                 and address the demand-        in the industry, it's essential to
          As stated by Falcon's Chief         supply mismatch, which         consider the high cost of logistics in
        Business Officer, there is a growing     currently results in        the country, which is 14 to 16% of the
        trend towards flexible automation     significant losses of $75-     GDP compared to eight to 10%. The
        solutions like ASRS, AMRs, and AGVs    100 billion annually in       business's unorganised and pragmatic
        in India's logistics sector. Falcon, an      the country.            nature means that 95% of fleet owners
        intralogistics automation solutions                                  own around one to three trucks out of
        provider, has developed innovative      Arham Partap Jain            12 million in the country.
        technologies such as advanced                 Trucknetic                There's also an issue with asset
        sortation systems, robotic 3D ASRS,                                  utilisation, as it's less than 50%,
        and conveyor automation solutions to   costs, ultimately modernising India's   meaning that more than 50% of trucks
        streamline warehouse operations and   logistics infrastructure and enhancing   are either stranded with loads or
        improve efficiency. These technologies   its global competitiveness.  moving with low output. This leads to
        aid Indian companies in consolidating   Sustainability as the key priority  problems with returns, with 70% of
        warehousing operations, increasing   In 2024, planet sustainability will be   trips not getting any load on the return,
        throughput, and reducing logistics   crucial in the last-mile landscape.   and 30% ending up with some return
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