Page 24 - ITLN May-June 2024 for Magzter
P. 24


         but taking massive haircuts, which can
         go up to 80% of the front row."
           Trucknetic's founder emphasised
         the importance of reducing the wastage
         of miles without charging fares as a
         key performance indicator. We are
         using machine learning and artificial
         intelligence to match return trucks with
         demand opportunities, aiming to reduce
         the return load deficit and address
         the demand-supply mismatch, which
         currently results in significant losses.
         According to Trucknetic’s Jain, “We are
         losing close to $75- 100 billion every
         year because of the demand supply
         mismatch in the country.

         India's last-mile delivery and EV
         According to a BCG report titled "Electric                           in the long run despite higher upfront
         Vehicles: Future of Last-Mile Deliveries                             costs. This is particularly true for two-
         in India" by Vikram Janakiraman,                                     wheeler EVs, where TCO superiority
         Natarajan Sankar, Aditya Khandelia, and                              becomes evident compared to ICE
         Aditi Tiwari, last-mile delivery in India is                         (Internal Combustion Engine) vehicles.
         undergoing a significant transformation                                The decreasing prices of batteries
         due to the rapid adoption of EVs in the                              are projected to enhance the total cost
         organised sector. Important players like                             of ownership advantage for electric
         Zomato and Big Basket have announced                                 vehicles (EVs), particularly for three
         ambitious commitments to electrify their                             -wheelers and four-wheelers, even
         fleets, indicating a growing trend towards                           without subsidies by 2025. Government
         sustainable transportation solutions.                                support at both central and state levels
           Zypp Electric's Gupta highlighted                                  is expected to further drive EV adoption
         the growing adoption of electric                                     through regulations and initiatives
         vehicles (EVs) in India's logistics   We continuously improve        such as FAME-II, which offer incentives
         sector, attributing the trend to     route planning to reduce        for fleet operators to transition to EVs.
         government incentives and industry     fuel consumption and            The organised sector is in a good
         initiatives to reduce emissions. While                               position to promote EV adoption by
         EV usage was initially focused in      carbon emissions. As          addressing challenges like high costs,
         major cities, there's a noticeable      a result, our clients        financing, and insurance. Large EV
         uptick in Tier II and Tier III cities,   have saved 12 million       fleet operators, often startups, lead the
         thanks to increased awareness and      kg in greenhouse gas          way by acquiring EVs, offering fleets on
         supportive policies like the FAME            emissions.              lease, and providing maintenance and
         scheme. The availability of affordable                               charging infrastructure.
         electric commercial vehicles              Nishith Rastogi
         facilitates this transition, especially         Locus                The way ahead
         in areas dealing with pollution and                                  The future of India's logistics sector
         traffic congestion.                  The last-mile delivery sector is   looks promising, driven by innovation,
           The adoption of EVs for last-mile   experiencing substantial growth across   digitalisation, customer-centric
         delivery in India's Tier II and Tier III   various sectors, such as food delivery,   approach. Startups are disrupting the
         cities has notably increased due to   groceries, and e-commerce, with a   industry by leveraging technology and
         shorter distances, less crowded roads,   projected CAGR of 15-20%. EV adoption   innovative business models to improve
         and improved infrastructure. This trend   is also driven by the significant   efficiency and reliability. Their focus on
         is driven by growing environmental   financial benefits they offer regarding   addressing last-mile challenges and
         consciousness and the economic    reduced Total Cost of Ownership    digitising freight in India is shaping a
         benefits recognised by logistics firms.   (TCO), making them financially viable   more customer-centric ecosystem.
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