Page 27 - ITLN May-June 2024 for Magzter
P. 27

Even though the Indian          on foreign sources for both nation’s
                                           pharmaceutical industry faced several   pharmaceutical supply chain and
                                           backlashes in the last two years, the   achieve affordable medicine resilience.”
                                           country continues to consolidate its   “The time has come to restore
                                           position as the pharmacy to the world.  balance and build resilience in
                                             In fact, India exported drugs and   these critical networks. This is not
                                           pharmaceuticals worth $28 billion in   merely prudent – it is crucial,” said
                                           FY2023-24, an increase of 10 percent   Sharvil Patel, vice president, IPA
                                           from the previous financial year,   and managing director of Zydus
                                           according to the Ministry of Commerce   Lifescience.
                                           & Industry. Also, in FY23-24, Indian   In fact, an April 30, 2024 analysis
                                           pharmaceutical exports expanded   from IIFL Securities reported that
                                           their global footprint to countries   export-focused Indian generic
                                           like Montenegro, South Sudan, Chad,   companies are likely to benefit from the
                                           Comoros, Brunei, Latvia, Ireland,   situation of drug shortage in the US.
                                           Sweden, Haiti, and Ethiopia while the   “Our analysis suggests that among
                                           top markets for Indian pharma exports   the Indian generic players – Aurobindo,
                                           were the US, the UK, the Netherlands,   Sun Pharma and Gland Pharma have
                                           South Africa, and Brazil.         the highest exposure to products under
                                             The United States of America, which   shortage in the US,” it reads.
                                           accounted for over 31 percent of the   However, the supply chain that
                                           country’s pharma exports in FY223-24,   supports the exports of Indian
                                           has been recently reporting historically   pharmaceuticals is met with several
                                           high levels of drug shortages. Even   disruptions including long transit times
                                           though there are several factors   due to geopolitical issues in the Red
                                           affecting the shortages, one of the   Sea and high airfreight rates due to
                                           important factors is the supply chain   increased demand.
                                           disturbances. In fact, in April 2024, the   For instance, Pratyush Kumar,
                                           U.S Department of Health and Human   senior general manager, demand
                                           Services produced a white paper on   planning and logistics excellence,
                                           “policy considerations to prevent drug   Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, informed
                                           shortages and mitigate supply chain   that both the US and Europe routes are
                                           vulnerabilities in the United States.”  affected very badly.
                                             The white paper points out key issues   “The sea freight transit time for
                                           including a broad lack of transparency,   Europe has gone up from 24 to 45 days,
                 n April 30, 2024, India's   concentration among middlemen,   which is almost double. The rates have
                 central regulatory body for   and prices for generic drugs that are   also gone up along with the increase
                 pharmaceuticals Central   driven to levels so low that they create   in nautical miles. Thus it has become
        ODrugs Standard Control            insufficient incentives for redundancy   unviable to send our products by sea.”
        Organization (CDSCO) withdrew the   or resilience-oriented manufacturing,   To keep the inventory intact in their
        power of state governments to issue   distribution, and purchasing.   target markets and make sure that
        no-objection certificates (NOC) for   It reads. “These market failures lead   there is no shortage, airfreight is the
        manufacturing unapproved, banned or   to pharmaceutical supply chains that   only other option. However, airfreight
        new drugs for export purposes.     are brittle, disruption-prone, and too   rates have also gone up forcing
           This comes after Indian         slow to recover from shortages.”   pharmaceutical companies to take
        pharmaceutical companies came        On April 30, 2024, The United States   the hit on their margins, which has
        under international scrutiny for   Food and Drug Administration (FDA)   been already shrinking for the generic
        exporting adulterated drugs,       Commissioner Robert Califf met with   pharma industry.
        particularly cough syrups sold     the Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance   He also pointed out that the crisis
        in Gambia and Uzbekistan which     (IPA), comprising 23 Indian generic   has also changed the percentage
        also caused the deaths of several   pharmaceutical companies, to discuss   of pharma sent by each mode of
        children. There were also instances   advancing drug quality in India.   transport. “On the Europe lane, we
        of big pharmaceutical manufacturers   The IPA wrote the purpose of   used to send 40 percent by air and 60
        recalling their products due to    the meeting as “to urge a US-India   percent by sea. Right now I’m sending
        manufacturing defects.             trade partnership to reduce reliance   85 percent by air.”
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