Page 28 - ITLN May-June 2024 for Magzter
P. 28


           For instance, in the first week of May
         2024, WorldACD Market Data reported
         that demand for airfreight from India to
         Europe appears to have eased slightly
         in the last four weeks (April 8 to May 5)
         from the extraordinarily high levels seen
         in weeks 8 to 14 (Feb 19 to April 7).
           “However,” it also wrote, “on the
         pricing side, average rates from India
         ($3.94 per kilo, +164 percent) to Europe
         are still exceptionally high.
           Javin Bhinde, founder of Syncore
         Consulting informed that to deal
         with the supply chain crisis pharma
         shippers are taking several strategies
         but also accept that it has disrupted
         the normal flow of pharmaceuticals.
           “Shippers that can afford the high
         airfreight rates are sending it by air to
         meet the market demands while others
         are dependent on sea freight and have
         to go through longer transit times.
         The shippers are trying to prioritise
         their shipments. Only the very urgent
         pharma shipments are sent right now.
         Shippers are expecting the sea and
         airfreight rates to come down even
         though none of them are forecasting
         the Red Sea crisis to be solved very
         soon,” he said.                   said, “This will act as a one-stop   need to keep records of the
           The Indian pharmaceutical industry   shop for all clinical trial storage   temperature being maintained for
         is also preparing for a future where   and distribution requirements of   these clinical trial samples.
         new kinds of pharmaceutical products   healthcare customers in India. The   “These records are very critical
         and solutions are emerging which   new centre is in addition to FedEx’s   in the experimentation phase as the
         will also require new types of logistics   current Life Science Centers in Japan,   deterioration of the sample can affect
         offerings. For instance, according   South Korea, Singapore, the USA, and   the process. The RNA or DNA quality
         to reports, India is becoming an   the Netherlands – making it a global   of samples deteriorates over time. It
         attractive destination for clinical   network of storage and distribution   deteriorates very fast after 72 hours.
         trials in the pharmaceutical sector   depots to support our healthcare and   So before 72 hours, it needs to be put
         which will require very specialised   pharmaceutical customers.”     in long-term storage, which is -20 or
         logistics solutions.                 In a conversation with Indian   -70 degrees,” he added.
           According to Grand View Research,   Transport & Logistics News, Vikas   The opportunities for the Indian
         the Indian clinical trials market size   Pawar, a supply chain specialist,   pharmaceutical industry to grow are
         was valued at $2 billion in 2022 and is   also pointed out the rising number of   immense with new countries joining
         anticipated to grow at a CAGR of eight   clinical trials in India.    its global footprint and drug shortage
         percent from 2023 to 2030.           “Clinical trials are a smaller but   affecting major economies. However,
           In February 2024, FedEx Express   premium portion of pharma logistics.   the supply chain and logistics that
         unveiled its FedEx Life Science Center   A lot of regulations need to be followed   support the movement seemed to be
         in Mumbai, which it claims “is setting   in terms of chain of custody and   the weakest link with a lack of capacity
         a benchmark in the clinical trial supply   temperature control. It is growing   to longer transit time to high freight
         chain in India and globally.”     because clinical research requires a   rates. It is in the midst of this chaos
           During the launch, Nitin Navneet   lot of domestic as well as cross-border   that the logistics service providers have
         Tatiwala, vice president of FedEx   movement of samples,” he said.   to prepare for personalised medicines
         Express, marketing, Middle East,     There's a lot of data logging   and clinical trials that require
         India Subcontinent & Africa (MEISA)   required. Logistics service providers   customised offerings.
          May - June 2024                                                                   
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