Page 25 - ITLN November - December 2024
P. 25

allowing companies to enhance                                        technology we install. Whether it is our
        their supply chains and thrive in a                                  locally manufactured, Toyota quality
        competitive environment.                   While developed           belt and roller conveyor for clients who
                                                  markets prioritise         need material handling basics or more
        How big is Bastian Solutions in India        cutting-edge            advanced automation systems, the
        and the Asia Pacific?                                                right sized solution for our clients is
        Bastian Solutions’ India office was    automation to enhance         what makes it competitive for them.
        established in 1996. Its roots go back   speed and accuracy,            We also recently helped a
        to 1952 in the United States. In 2017,    Indian companies           national automotive supplier with a
        it was acquired by Toyota Automated    often look for modular,       manufacturing centre in Maharashtra
        Logistics Group, a subsidiary of Japan-  adaptable solutions         stay competitive with a mix of transport
        based Toyota Industries Corporation                                  conveyor, accumulation conveyor
        (TICO). That acquisition expanded its    that offer solid ROI        and pallet conveyor. They wanted
        reach and strengthened its offerings       and operational           to improve their overall system
        through a network of other material           flexibility.           throughput and reduce the error. After
        handling companies that create                                       a consultation with their Warehouse
        reliable solutions for every distribution                            Manager, we built 65 mts of case
        and production need.               conveyor solutions and our 28 years’   handling & pallet handling conveyor
           Whether it is through our 170+   experience serving the Indian business   to replace their manual packing &
        direct employees or employees of   community that have created our   sortation work. Their custom conveyor
        sibling companies under the TICO   lasting ability to serve. Our sales teams   mix helped achieve their goal of
        umbrella, such as TMH India, Bastian   travel anywhere our customers need   improving sortation throughput from
        Solutions provides services in every   to strategically engage in the right-  900 Cases per hour to 1800 cases per
        APAC region.                       sized solution for the customer’s order   hour in their export packaging area.
           Bastian Solutions has over 150   fulfilment goals.                They achieved a 100 percent increase
        successful customer installations                                    in throughput in the export packaging
        in APAC across multiple sectors    How do your solutions bring       area due to the Bastian Solutions
        including consumer goods, automotive,   competitive advantage to its clients?    conveyor sortation system.
        food and beverage, retail, FMCG    We recently built 98 mts of conveyor
        and e-commerce fulfilment. Global   out of our manufacturing facility near   What makes Bastian stay ahead of its
        clients and local startups are a part   Bangalore for a global e-commerce   competition?
        of our strong and diverse portfolio.   client of ours distributing out of   Bastian Solutions offers a robust
        Serving some of the most dynamic   Hyderabad. Their 98 mts investment   portfolio of products, but our conveyor
        industries, our India team is known for   made a huge difference in this   systems are the cornerstone of our
        understanding clients’ unique needs   year's Diwali peak. That is the type   success in India’s logistics market.
        and delivering tailored solutions that   of competitive advantage we offer to   Our conveyors are designed for
        improve conveyance, productivity,   our clients, a right-sized solution for   flexibility and efficiency, to address
        scalability, and operational agility.  their current needs and flexible for   high-throughput and diverse material-
           We do this through our consultative,   future expansion. The simple addition   handling needs. These systems allow
        customer-focused approach. With    of their transport and accumulation   for the smooth, gap-free flow of
        end-to-end integration services, we   conveyors along with high-speed   products by adjusting speed in each
        source the best technologies to create   sortation upgrade helped to achieve   zone, which is ideal for managing peak
        customized, streamlined solutions   the expected speeds up to 300FPM in   loads in fast-paced environments such
        that elevate our clients' conveyance,   their pack line area. The results were   as e-commerce and retail fulfilment
        distribution and operational efficiency.   impactful for them reduced order   centres. Our conveyors also come in
        Our right-sized solutions range from   error, inventory damage and operator   modular designs, making them easy
        transportation and accumulation    inefficiency and achieved the expected   to integrate within existing systems or
        conveyors to more automated        last mile delivery.               scale up as operational needs grow.
        warehouse systems.                   At Bastian Solutions, the          Our other warehouse automation
           Through TICO, we leverage global   competitive advantage we offer takes   solutions further support high-speed
        expertise and uphold the highest   many forms. Tackling customer pain   operations, enabling businesses to
        standards in operational productivity   points through the variety of our   manage inventory, optimize space,
        and safety. It is the combination of our   flexible and scalable offerings is our   and fulfil orders with precision. As
        global network, with our 100+ Indian   main objective. It is always about the   clients scale or open distribution
        suppliers, our locally manufactured   customer’s success, no matter what   centres in more densely packed cities,
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