Page 30 - ITLN November - December 2024
P. 30


         hostile border with the Chinese. Military                            Tech enabling e-commerce
         posture is completely dependent upon                                 in last mile
         logistics and supply chain. If you cannot                            For example, Nikhil Agarwal, President
         get goods to the forward post then                                   of CJ Darcl Logistics, noted that with
         you're risking the lives of the jawans out                           the surge in e-commerce, last-mile
         there in the cold,” he added.                                        delivery has gained a spotlight for the
           While his drones are actively                                      customers who want their shipments
         deployed in military activities, Satapathy                           delivered as soon as possible (ASAP)
         is looking forward to using those drones                             which wasn’t the case a decade back.
         for commercial operations which can                                    “With contract logistics gaining
         happen only after the implementation                                 importance across the supply chain,
         of Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS)                               it becomes imperative for the service
         regulations in India.                                                provider to ensure the entire process
                                                                              stays seamless for the customer and
         Cold chain pharma in rural last mile                                 the organisation,” he said.
         Beyond the difficult terrains, there are   Data enables us to          With its pan India network of
         many other nuances in the rural last    optimise routes, and         vendors and a fleet of over 8 lakh
         mile of India. For instance, Phloton,   identify potential hazards   vehicles, CJ Darcl is a multimodal
         a smart, active cooling cold chain   like poor road conditions       logistics solutions provider catering
         container, is trying to bridge gaps in   in advance based on its     to road/Full Truck Load (FTL), rail, air
         the temperature-controlled healthcare   prior data. It helps us      and shipping/coastal transportation.
         delivery, particularly of vaccines, in the                             Agarwal noted that their
         Indian last mile.                     in improving the overall       technological capabilities play a key
           Phloton is the flagship product       safety and make our          role in managing pan-India operations
         of a Bengaluru-based technology       deliveries more efficient      and enhancing customers' experience.
         firm Enhanced Innovations. Ankita           going ahead.               For instance, CJ Darcl uses, among
         Mittal, CEO of Enhanced Innovations,                                 many other technologies, a Driver
         who is still waiting for approval         Nikhil Agarwal             Fatigue Monitoring System (DFMS)
         from the Central Drugs Standard            CJ Darcl Logistics        that utilises AI-enabled devices to
         Control Organisation (CDSCO) for her                                 capture video footage of the entire
         product, is hopeful that Phloton will   Coming back to the urban terrain,   delivery journey.
         soon help government healthcare   the last mile of logistics has become a   “This data enables us to optimise
         institutions to carry vaccines to even     very important piece of   routes, and identify potential hazards
         the remotest villages in the country           the supply chain      like poor road conditions in advance
         by reducing wastage.                           after the invention   based on its prior data. It helps us
           “Phloton can maintain temperature-          of e-commerce and its   improve the overall safety and make our
         sensitive medications between 2-6°C          significance has grown   deliveries more efficient going ahead,”
         for up to 10 hours, using a battery         ever since.              said Agarwal.
         with an embedded solar panel for                                       Last-mile logistics also comes with
         off-grid areas. We aim to address                                    a lot of challenges and it demands
         vaccine waste                                                        innovative solutions to overcome them.
         and improve                                                          Sandeep Kulkarni, Chief Operating
         vaccine efficacy,                                                    Officer, Allcargo Gati, pointed out that
         particularly in                                                      due to factors like traffic congestion and
         remote areas.                                                        urban density, last-mile delivery has
         We plan to offer                                                     become a pivotal yet challenging aspect
         Phloton via a                                                        of supply chain operations.
         lease model to                                                         He also reported that Allcargo
         keep costs low for                                                   Gati has embraced data-driven route
         healthcare systems,                                                   optimisation solutions that enable
         with additional                                                           faster and more precise deliveries.
         revenue from                                                                  “By integrating technology,
         pharmaceutical                                                               our teams can identify optimal
         companies,”                                                                  routes, track deliveries in
         she informed.                                                                real-time, and enhance
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